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;;; d-speedbar.el --- Displays a menu of functions/methods in a file
;;; in the right hand window with the current function/method
;;; highlighted

;; Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Davin Pearson

;; Author/Maintainer: Davin Max Pearson <>
;; Version: 1.5
;; Package-Requires: ((cl) (diagnose "1.0") (d-electric "1.17") (d-comp "1.17") (d-keys "1.0"))
;; Keywords: Current function method C, C++, Lisp, Java, my new language _Java_Training_Wheels_ and my new language Lisp++

;;; Commentary:

;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.

;; This code causes the current function Elisp/C/C++ or method
;; (Java/C++) to be shown highlighted in the right window, alongside a
;; list of all the functions and methods in the file.

;;; Limitation of Warranty

;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
;; your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more detail.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs, see the file COPYING.  If not, see:
;; <>.

;;; Install Instructions:
;; See the following URL for the latest info and a tarball:
;; <>
;; Then untar the tarball to a folder pointed to by the Emacs variable
;; load-path and add the following line to your ~/.emacs file.
;; (require 'd-speedbar)

;;; Known Bugs:

;; None so far!

;;; Version History

;; Version 1.5: ADDED: support for classes inside of classes etc.

;; Version 1.4: ADDED: (if (not (d-speedbar--is-speedbar-showing))
;; (d-speedbar)) to the start of d-speedbar--set--delete-all.

;; Version 1.3: FIXED: a bug with d-speedbar in conjunction with dired-mode
;; (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face' 'default)
;; ->
;; (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'default)

;; Version 1.2 ADDED: support for d-speedbars in jtw-mode (Java
;; Training Wheels)

;; Version 1.1 Now works properly with multiple frames.  Each frame
;; now has its own d-speedbar window.

;; Version 1.0 First stable version.

;;; Code:

(require 'cl)
(d-assert (fboundp 'incf))
(d-assert (fboundp 'cdddr))
(d-assert (fboundp 'd-assert))

(if (not (boundp 'prefs-advanced-user-p))
    (setq prefs-advanced-user-p t))

(require 'early-bindings)
(require 'cfm)
(require 'd-electric)
(require 'd-comp)
(require 'd-keys)

  (make-variable-buffer-local 'd-speedbar-mode)
  (kill-local-variable 'd-window-size)
  (kill-local-variable '*old-major-mode*)
  (kill-local-variable '*major-mode*)
  (setq-default d-window-size    15
                *old-major-mode* nil
                cursor-in-non-selected-windows t

;;; (d-get-classes-and-methods c-basic-offset major-mode d-speedbar--java-meth-regexp d-speedbar--java-class-regexp)
(defun d-get-classes-and-methods (c-basic-offset meth-regexp class-regexp)
  ;;(d-debug "Close to me.  All my wildest dreams come true.")
    (when (not (or (eq *major-mode* 'c-mode)
                   (eq *major-mode* 'c++-mode)
                   (eq *major-mode* 'jtw-mode)
                   (eq *major-mode* 'php-mode)
                   (eq *major-mode* 'java-mode)
                   (eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode)
      (let ((debug-on-error nil))
        (error "Wrong major mode #1 major-mode=%s" major-mode)))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (setq *d-classes-and-methods* nil)
    (d-get-classes-and-methods-inner 10 c-basic-offset meth-regexp class-regexp)
    (setq *d-classes-and-methods* (reverse *d-classes-and-methods*))
    ;;(message "*d-classes-and-methods*=%s" *d-classes-and-methods*)
    (setq *fart* *d-classes-and-methods*)
    ;;(message "*d-classes-and-methods*=%s" *d-classes-and-methods*)
    ;;(d-debug "Let's call the whole thing off")
;; end defun: d-get-classes-and-methods (c-basic-offset meth-regexp class-regexp)

  (setq d-speedbar--java-meth-regexp-pre  (concat "\\(public[ \t]+\\|private[ \t]+\\|protected[ \t]+\\|\\)\\(abstract[ \t]+\\|final[ \t]+\\|static[ \t]+\\)*\\(void[ \t]+\\|boolean[][]*[ \t]+\\|char[][]*[ \t]+\\|short[][]*[ \t]+\\|int[][]*[ \t]+\\|long[][]*[ \t]+\\|float[][]*[ \t]+\\|double[][]*[ \t]+\\|[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_<,>]*[][]*[ \t]+\\)"))
  (setq d-speedbar--java-meth-regexp      (concat d-speedbar--java-meth-regexp-pre "\\([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)\\(([^0-9()][^()]*)\\|()\\)"))
  (setq d-speedbar--java-class-regexp-pre (concat "\\(public[ \t]+\\|abstract[ \t]+\\|final[ \t]+\\)*"))
  (setq d-speedbar--java-class-regexp     (concat d-speedbar--java-class-regexp-pre "\\(class\\|interface\\)[ \t]+\\([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)"))
  (setq d-speedbar--jtw-meth-regexp-pre           "\\(public[ \t]+\\|private[ \t]+\\|protected[ \t]+\\|\\)\\(final[ \t]+\\|abstract[ \t]+\\)*\\(method[ \t]+\\|function[ \t]+\\)\\(void[ \t]+\\|boolean[][]*[ \t]+\\|char[][]*[ \t]+\\|short[][]*[ \t]+\\|int[][]*[ \t]+\\|long[][]*[ \t]+\\|float[][]*[ \t]+\\|double[][]*[ \t]+\\|[A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_<,>]*[][]*[ \t]+\\)")
  (setq d-speedbar--jtw-meth-regexp       (concat d-speedbar--jtw-meth-regexp-pre "\\([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)\\(([^0-9()][^()]*)\\|()\\)"))
  (setq d-speedbar--jtw-class-regexp-pre  (concat "\\(public[ \t]+\\|abstract[ \t]+\\|final[ \t]+\\)*"))
  (setq d-speedbar--jtw-class-regexp      (concat d-speedbar--jtw-class-regexp-pre "\\(class\\|interface\\)[ \t]+\\([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)"))
  (setq d-speedbar--c++-meth-regexp               "\\([A-Z0-9]+[ \t]+\\|extern[ \t]+\\|inline[ \t]+\\|static[ \t]+\\|const[ \t]+\\)*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_<,]*[> ]*[&*]*[ \t]+\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:~]*\\|operator[ \t]*[-!%^&*=<>]+\\)\\(([^()0-9][^()]*)\\|()\\)")
  (setq d-speedbar--c++-class-regexp              "\\([A-Z0-9]+[ \t]+\\)*\\(class\\|namespace\\)[ \t]+\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\>\\)")
  (setq d-speedbar--lisp++-meth-regexp            "(\\(cfunction\\|cmethod\\) (ctype [^()]*) (cname \\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)) \\((carg [^()]*)\\|(cargs *\\((carg [^()]*) *\\)*)\\)")
  (setq d-speedbar--lisp++-class-regexp           "(\\(cclass\\|cnamespace\\) \\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)")
  ;; NOTE: there are no interfaces in C++
  (kill-local-variable '*fart*)
  (defvar *fart* nil)

;;; NOTE: plus one here to each of the indicies
(defun d-speedbar--set-indicies ()
   ((eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode)
    (setq d-meth-name-index 3)
    (setq d-meth-args-index 4)
    (setq d-class-decl-index 2)
    (setq d-class-name-index 3)
   ((eq *major-mode* 'java-mode)
    (setq d-meth-name-index  5)
    (setq d-meth-args-index  6)
    (setq d-class-decl-index 3)
    (setq d-class-name-index 4)
   ((eq *major-mode* 'jtw-mode)
    (setq d-meth-name-index  6)
    (setq d-meth-args-index  7)
    (setq d-class-decl-index 3)
    (setq d-class-name-index 4)
   ((or (eq *major-mode* 'c-mode)
        (eq *major-mode* 'c++-mode))
    (setq d-meth-name-index  3)
    (setq d-meth-args-index  4)
    (setq d-class-decl-index 3)
    (setq d-class-name-index 4)
   ) ;; END COND!

;;; (setq tab "   ")
;;; (setq tab-old "   ")
;;; (d-get-classes-and-methods-inner 0 c-basic-offset meth-regexp class-regexp)
(defun d-get-classes-and-methods-inner (offset c-basic-offset meth-regexp class-regexp)
  ;;(message "*** Called d-get-classes-and-methods-inner with offset=%d *major-mode*=%s" offset *major-mode*)
  (if (eq major-mode 'debugger-mode)
    (when (not (or (eq *major-mode* 'c-mode)
                   (eq *major-mode* 'c++-mode)
                   (eq *major-mode* 'jtw-mode)
                   (eq *major-mode* 'php-mode)
                   (eq *major-mode* 'java-mode)
                   (eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode)
                   (eq *major-mode* 'emacs-lisp-mode)
      (error "Wrong major-mode#1 *major-mode*=%s" *major-mode*))
    (let (i tab done p-orig p-meth-array p-class-array
            function-name-array function-args-array
            class-decl-array class-name-array tab-array
            tab-array-narrow min-class-or-method min-found-class
            min-found-method length found min-found min-i
      (setq length                   (1+ offset))
      (setq function-name-array      (make-vector length nil))
      (setq function-args-array      (make-vector length nil))
      (setq class-decl-array         (make-vector length nil))
      (setq class-name-array         (make-vector length nil))
      (setq p-meth-array             (make-vector length nil))
      (setq p-class-array            (make-vector length nil))
      (setq p-begin-main-array       (make-vector length nil))
      (setq tab-array                (make-vector length nil))
      (setq tab-array-narrow         (make-vector length nil))
      (setq i 0)
      ;;(if (and debug-on-error (= offset 1)) (debug "You shook me all night long"))
      (while (< i length)
        (setf (aref tab-array        i) (make-string (* c-basic-offset i) ? ))
        (setf (aref tab-array-narrow i) (make-string i ? ))
        (incf i))
      ;;(d-debug "The Jackson Five / Ready or Not")
      ;; tab-array
      ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------
      ;;(if debug-on-error (debug))
      (while (not done)
        ;;(d-debug "Going down now" major-mode)
        (setq i 0)
        ;;(setq i 1)
        (setq p-orig (point))
        (while (< i length)
            (goto-char p-orig)
            (setf (aref p-meth-array i) (re-search-forward (concat "^\\(" (aref tab-array i) "\\)" meth-regexp "\\(;\\)?") nil t))
            ;;(if (and debug-on-error (= 1 i)) (debug "Saturated Fats"))
            ;;(d-debug "The Jackson Five / Love Song")
            (when (aref p-meth-array i)
              (setf (aref function-name-array i) (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-meth-name-index) (match-end d-meth-name-index)))
              (setf (aref function-args-array i) (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-meth-args-index) (match-end d-meth-args-index)))
              (if (and (match-beginning (1+ d-meth-args-index)) (match-end (1+ d-meth-args-index)))
                  (setf (aref function-args-array i) (concat (aref function-args-array i) ";")))
              ;;(d-debug "Leonard Bernstein: Fancy Free")
              ;;(d-debug "The Jackson Five / Forever Come Today")
          ;;(message "*** function=%s" (aref function-name-array i))
          ;;(d-debug "Someday baby you ain't gonna be working for me anymore")
            (goto-char p-orig)
            (setf (aref p-class-array i) (re-search-forward (concat "^\\(" (aref tab-array i) "\\)" class-regexp) nil t))
            ;;(d-debug "Bob Dylan: It rolls and falls all down her breast")
            ;;(d-debug "Bob Dylan: Throw my ticket out the window")
            (when (aref p-class-array i)
              (setf (aref class-decl-array i) (d-trim-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-class-decl-index) (match-end d-class-decl-index))))
              (setf (aref class-name-array i) (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-class-name-index) (match-end d-class-name-index)))
            (goto-char p-orig)
            (setf (aref p-begin-main-array i) (re-search-forward (concat "\\(^" (aref tab-array i) "\\)beginMain\\>") nil t))
          ;;(message "*** class=%s" (aref class-name-array i))
          ;;(goto-char p-orig)
          (incf i)
          ) ;; END while!
        ;;(if (and debug-on-error (= offset 1))
        ;;    (debug (format "*** Bernstein conducts Bernstein class-name-array=%s function-name-array=%s" class-name-array function-name-array)))
        ;; -------------------------------------------------------------
        (block nil
          (setq found nil)
          (setq i     0)
          ;;(setq i 1)
          (while (< i length)
            (when (or (aref p-meth-array i) (aref p-class-array i) (aref p-begin-main-array i))
              (setq found t)
              (return nil))
            (incf i))
          ) ;; END BLOCK!
        (if (not found)
            (setq done t)
          ;;(if (and (= offset 2) debug-on-error) (debug "Before set to (point-max)"))
          (setq i 0) ;; (setq i 1)
          (while (< i length)
            (if (not (aref p-meth-array i))
                (setf (aref p-meth-array i) (point-max)))
            (if (not (aref p-class-array i))
                (setf (aref p-class-array i) (point-max)))
            (if (not (aref p-begin-main-array i))
                (setf (aref p-begin-main-array i) (point-max)))
            (incf i))
          ;;(if debug-on-error ;;(= offset 0))
          ;;    (debug "Robert Johnson: Hot Tomales And They'Re Red Hot"))
          ;; -----------------------------------------------------------
          (setq min-found (point-max))
          (setq min-i     -1)
          (setq i         0)
          (while (< i length)
            ;;(if (and debug-on-error (= i 1)) (debug "No easy way to find the calamansies"))
            (when (< (aref p-meth-array i) min-found)
              (setq min-found            (aref p-meth-array i))
              (setq min-found-method     (aref p-meth-array i))
              (setq min-found-begin-main nil)
              (setq min-found-class      nil)
              (setq min-i                i)
              (setq min-class-or-method  'method)
              ;;(message "*** found method=%s" (aref function-name-array i))
              ;;(debug "Richard Wagner: The Ride of the Valkyries")
            (when (< (aref p-class-array i) min-found)
              (setq min-found            (aref p-class-array i))
              (setq min-found-class      (aref p-class-array i))
              (setq min-found-begin-main nil)
              (setq min-found-method     nil)
              (setq min-i                i)
              (setq min-class-or-method 'class)
              ;;(message "*** found class %s %s" (aref class-decl-array i) (aref class-name-array i))
            (when (< (aref p-begin-main-array i) min-found)
              (setq min-found            (aref p-begin-main-array i))
              (setq min-found-begin-main (aref p-begin-main-array i))
              (setq min-found-class      nil)
              (setq min-found-method     nil)
              (setq min-i                i)
              (setq min-class-or-method 'begin-main)
              ;;(message "*** found beginMain")
            (incf i))
          ;;(if (and debug-on-error (= offset 1)) (debug "*** End of search"))
          (when (= min-i -1)
            (let ((debug-on-error nil))
              (error "(= min-i -1)")))
           ((eq min-class-or-method 'method)
            ;;(d-debug "Leonidas Kavakos: Brahms the Violin Sonatas")
            (setq *d-classes-and-methods* (cons (concat (aref tab-array-narrow    min-i)
                                                        (aref function-name-array min-i)
                                                        (aref function-args-array min-i)
            ;;(message "*** *d-classes-and-methods*=%s" *d-classes-and-methods*)
            (goto-char min-found-method)
            (d-get-classes-and-methods-inner (+ 10 offset) c-basic-offset meth-regexp class-regexp)
           ((eq min-class-or-method 'class)
            (setq *d-classes-and-methods* (cons (concat (aref tab-array-narrow min-i)
                                                        (aref class-decl-array min-i)
                                                        " "
                                                        (aref class-name-array min-i))
            ;;(message "*** *d-classes-and-methods*=%s" *d-classes-and-methods*)
            (goto-char min-found-class)
            (d-get-classes-and-methods-inner (+ 10 offset) c-basic-offset meth-regexp class-regexp)
           ((eq min-class-or-method 'begin-main)
            (setq *d-classes-and-methods* (cons (concat (aref tab-array-narrow min-i)
            ;;(message "*** *d-classes-and-methods*=%s" *d-classes-and-methods*)
            (goto-char min-found-begin-main)
            (d-get-classes-and-methods-inner (+ 10 offset) c-basic-offset meth-regexp class-regexp)
            (error "Should never happen"))
           ) ;; END COND!
          ;;(d-debug "Dazed and Confused")
          ) ;; END if!
        )   ;; while NOT DONE!
      )     ;; END LET!
    )       ;; END if!
  )         ;; END defun! d-get-classes-and-methods-inner

(defun d-speedbar--get-old-window ()
    (let (ptr result)
      (setq ptr    (window-list))
      (setq result nil)
      (while ptr
        (when (not (string-match d-speedbar--regexp-name
                                 (buffer-name (window-buffer (car ptr)))))
          (setq result (car ptr))
          (setq ptr nil))
        (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))

;; (d-speedbar--get-old-buffer)
(defun d-speedbar--get-old-buffer ()
  (window-buffer (d-speedbar--get-old-window)))

;; (setq str " *d-0*")
;; (d-speedbar--str-to-count str)
(defun d-speedbar--str-to-count (str)
    (let ((n 0))
      (if (string-match d-speedbar--regexp-name str)
            (setq n (substring str (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
            (setq n (d-read-str n)))
        (setq n -1)

;; (setq ptr (buffer-list))
;; (d-speedbar--get-count (buffer-list))
;; (setq d-message-on t)
;; (d-speedbar--get-count (setq buffer-list (buffer-list)))
(defun d-speedbar--get-count (buffer-list)
    (let ((ptr     buffer-list)
          (buf     nil)
          (n       0)
          (m       0)
          (count   0)
          (done    nil)
          (win     nil)
          (found   nil)
          (old-buf (current-buffer)))
            (setq count 0)
            (while ptr
              (setq buf (buffer-name (car ptr)))
              (setq n (if (string-match d-speedbar--regexp-name buf)
                            (when (or (not buf)
                                      (not (get-buffer buf))
                                      (not (buffer-live-p (get-buffer buf))))
                              (setq found t)
                              (setq ptr nil)
                              ;;(d-debug "Frank Sinatra / I Thought About You")
                            (setq m (d-speedbar--str-to-count buf))
                            m) 0))
              (setq count (max n count))
              (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))
            (when (not found)
              ;;(d-debug "Frank Sinatra / We'll be Together Again")
              (incf count))
            ) ;; END PROGN!
        (set-buffer old-buf)
        ) ;; END UNWIND-PROTECT!

;; (setq list (buffer-list))
;; (d-speedbar--get-latest-speedbar-buffer)
(defun d-speedbar--get-latest-speedbar-buffer ()
      (let* ((list   (buffer-list));;LET! (setq list (buffer-list))
             (count  0)
             (result nil))
        ;;(sit-and-message 1 "*** 1 after let form")
        (setq count (d-speedbar--get-count list))
        ;;(sit-and-message 1 "*** 2 before when")
        (setq result (format d-speedbar--format-name count))
        (d-assert result)
        (d-assert (stringp result))

(defun d-speedbar--set-window-size ()
   ((eq major-mode 'c-mode)           (setq-default d-window-size 20))
   ((eq major-mode 'jtw-mode)         (setq-default d-window-size 20))
   ((eq major-mode 'c++-mode)         (setq-default d-window-size 20))
   ((eq major-mode 'c2j-mode)         (setq-default d-window-size 20))
   ((eq major-mode 'php-mode)         (setq-default d-window-size 30))
   ((eq major-mode 'java-mode)        (setq-default d-window-size 20))
   ((eq major-mode 'text-mode)        (setq-default d-window-size nil))
   ((eq major-mode 'html-mode)        (setq-default d-window-size 20))
   ((eq major-mode 'dired-mode)       (setq-default d-window-size 10))
   ((eq major-mode 'lisp++-mode)      (setq-default d-window-size 20))
   ((eq major-mode 'makefile-mode)    (setq-default d-window-size 20))
   ((eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)  (setq-default d-window-size 20))
   ((eq major-mode 'compilation-mode) (setq-default d-window-size 20))
   ((or (eq major-mode 'grep-mode)
        (eq major-mode 'help-mode)
        (eq major-mode 'occur-mode)
        (eq major-mode 'debugger-mode)
        (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
        (eq major-mode 'messages-buffer-mode)
        (eq major-mode 'minibuffer-inactive-mode)
        (eq major-mode 'electric-buffer-menu-mode)
    (setq-default d-window-size nil))
    (setq-default d-window-size nil)))

;; (d-speedbar--is-speedbar-showing)
(defun d-speedbar--is-speedbar-showing ()
  (let ((ptr   (window-list))
        (found nil))
    (while ptr
      (when (string-match d-speedbar--regexp-name (buffer-name (window-buffer (car ptr))))
        (setq found t)
        (setq ptr nil))
      (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))

;; (setq list-classes *d-classes*)
;; (setq list-methods d-old-list-orig)
 defun d-merge-lists (list-methods)
 ;;(debug "Joni Mitchell: Court And Spark")
 (let (ptr class-name-m class-name-c result)
   (setq ptr list-methods)
   (setq last-class nil)
   (while ptr
     (setq last-class this-class)
     (setq this-class (d-get-class-name (car ptr)))
     (when (not (string= this-class last-class))
       (setq result (cons (list "class" this-class) result)))
     (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))
   (nreverse result)
   (setq d-old-result result)
   ) ;; END LET!

;; (cargs-2-args (setq cargs "foo(cargs)"))
;; (cargs-2-args (setq cargs "foo(carg int x)"))
;; (cargs-2-args (setq cargs "foo(cargs (carg int x) (carg int* y) (carg int** z))"))
;; (cargs-2-args (setq cargs "foo(cargs);"))
;; (cargs-2-args (setq cargs "foo(carg int x);"))
;; (cargs-2-args (setq cargs "foo(cargs (carg int x) (carg int* y) (carg const char** z));"))
;; (cargs-2-args "^func3(cargs (carg int x) (carg int y))")
;; (cargs-2-args "^func1(int j, int k)") FALSE FUNCTION!
;; (cargs-2-args "^ func1(carg int i)")
;; (cargs-2-args "^ func2(cargs)")
;; (cargs-2-args "^ func3(cargs (carg int x))")
;; (cargs-2-args "^ func4(cargs (carg int x) (carg int y))")

(defun cargs-2-args (cargs)
  (let (result)
    (setq result cargs)
    (while (string-match "(carg \\([^()]*\\))\\(;\\)?" result)
      (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
                           "(" (substring result (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)) ")"
                           (substring result (match-end 0))
                           (if (and (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)) ";")
    (when (string-match "),$" result)
      (setq result (substring result 0 (1+ (match-beginning 0)))))
    (when (string-match ",\\(;\\)?$" result)
      (setq result (substring result 0 -2))
      (when (and (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
        (setq result (concat result ";"))))
    (when (string-match "," result)
      (while (string-match "(\\([^()]*\\))" result)
        (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
                             (substring result (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
                             (substring result (match-end 0))))))
    (if (string-match "cargs\\([^()]*\\)" result)
        (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
                             "(" (substring result (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)) ")"
                             (substring result (match-end 0))
    (when (string-match "(())" result)
      (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
                           (substring result (match-end 0)))))
    (when (string-match "^\\(\\^?[ \t]*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)( " result)
      (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-end 1))
                           (substring result (match-end 0))

    (when (string-match ",;)$" result)
      (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
    (when (string-match ",)$" result)
      (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
    ;;(if (string-match ",);?$" result)
    ;;    (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
    ;;                         ")")))
    ;;(while (string-match "cargs" result)
    ;;  (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
    ;;                       "()"
    ;;                       (substring result (match-end 0)))))

;; (cargs-2-args (args-2-cargs "(int x, int*** y, const char*** z, int*** k)"))
;; (cargs-2-args (setq result "(cargs (carg int x) (int* y) (const char** z))"))
;; (args-2-cargs "foo(int x, int* y, const int*** z)")
;; (cargs-2-args (args-2-cargs "foo(int x, int* y, const int*** z)"))
(defun args-2-cargs (args)
  (let (result)
    (setq result args)
    (setq count  0)
    (while (string-match "(\\([^()]*\\))" result)
      (incf count)
      (message "count=%s" count)
      (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
                           "<carg "
                           (substring result (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
                           (substring result (match-end 0))
    (while (string-match "<" result)
      (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
                           (substring result (match-end 0)))))
    (while (string-match ">" result)
      (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
                           (substring result (match-end 0)))))
    ;;(setq result (concat "(cargs " result ")"))
    (while (string-match "),)$" result)
      (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
    (while (string-match "," result)
      (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
                           ") (carg "
                           (substring result (match-end 0)))))
    (while (string-match "  " result)
      (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))
                           " "
                           (substring result (match-end 0)))))
    (while (string-match " (carg $" result)
      (setq result (substring result 0 (match-beginning 0))))
    (when (string-match "^\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)(" result)
      (setq result (concat (substring result 0 (match-end 1))
                           "(cargs "
                           (substring result (match-end 1)))))
    ;;(setq result (concat result ")"))

;; (d-namespace--insert-all-methods c-basic-offset major-mode d-speedbar--java-meth-regexp d-speedbar--java-class-regexp)
;; (d-namespace--insert-all-methods c-basic-offset major-mode d-speedbar--lisp++-meth-regexp d-speedbar--lisp++-class-regexp)
(defun d-namespace--insert-all-methods (c-basic-offset func meth-regexp class-regexp)
  (let (list2)
    ;;(message "Entering defun d-namespace--insert-all-methods major-mode=%s func=%s" major-mode func)
    (when (not (boundp 'new-buf))
      (d-error "Variable new-buf is not bound"))
    (when (not (boundp 'old-buf))
      (d-error "Variable old-buf is not bound"))
    (d-get-classes-and-methods c-basic-offset meth-regexp class-regexp)
    (when (not (boundp 'list))
     (d-error "Variable list is not bound"))
    ;;(message "Inside defun d-namespace--insert-all-methods list=%s" list)
    (when (not (boundp '*d-classes-and-methods*))
      (d-error "Variable *d-classes-and-methods* is not bound")))
    ;;(message "list#1=%s" list)
      (d-assert (and 'foomatic (boundp 'new-buf)))
      (d-assert (and 'now-that-youd-make-yourself-love-me (set-buffer new-buf)))
      ;;(d-assert (and 'boys-on-film  (string= (buffer-name) (buffer-name old-buf))))
      (d-assert (and 'girls-on-film (string= (buffer-name) new-buf)))
      (d-assert (and 'schubert (get-buffer new-buf)))
      (d-assert (and 'chemical-brothers (buffer-live-p (get-buffer new-buf))))
      (d-assert (and 'time-may-change-me (set-buffer new-buf)))
      (set-buffer new-buf)
      (d-assert (get-buffer new-buf))
      (read-only-mode -1)
      (when (not (or (eq *major-mode* 'c-mode)
                     (eq *major-mode* 'c++-mode)
                     (eq *major-mode* 'jtw-mode)
                     (eq *major-mode* 'php-mode)
                     (eq *major-mode* 'java-mode)
                     (eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode)
                     (eq *major-mode* 'emacs-lisp-mode)
        (d-error "Wrong major-mode#2 *major-mode*=%s" *major-mode*)))
      ;; -------------------------------------------------------------
        (set-buffer new-buf)
        (read-only-mode -1)
        (setq list2 (append (reverse list) *d-classes-and-methods*))
        (setq ptr list2)
        (while ptr
          (d-assert (eq 'identity func))
          (insert (propertize (funcall func (car ptr))
                               'mouse-face 'highlight
                               'help-echo "mouse-2: visit this file"
                               'follow-link t
                               (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
                                     (cmd (lambda ()
                                 (define-key map [mouse-2] cmd)
                                 (define-key map [?\C-m] cmd)
          (setq ptr (cdr ptr))
          ) ;; END while! ptr
        )   ;; END PROGN!
      )     ;; END defun! d-namespace--insert-all-methods

(defun d-namespace--highlight-line (c-basic-offset func meth-regexp class-regexp)
  "Current buffer is major-mode buffer"
  (let (i meth-i class-i meth-name meth-args class-decl
          class-name meth-tab-width class-tab-width spaces
          begin-main-i begin-main-tab-width space-regexp done
          smeg count list ptr)
      (when (not (or (eq func 'cargs-2-args)
                     (eq func 'args-2-cargs)
                     (eq func 'identity)))
        (let ((debug-on-error nil))
          (error "Wrong binding for func variable")))
      ;;(message "c-basic-offset=%d" c-basic-offset)
      (when (not (or (eq *major-mode* 'c-mode)
                     (eq *major-mode* 'c++-mode)
                     (eq *major-mode* 'jtw-mode)
                     (eq *major-mode* 'php-mode)
                     (eq *major-mode* 'java-mode)
                     (eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode)
        (let ((debug-on-error nil))
          (error "Wrong major mode #2 major-mode=%s" major-mode)))
      (setq space-regexp "\\(^[ \t]*\\)")
      (setq begin-main-regexp (concat space-regexp "beginMain\\>"))
      (setq list nil)
      (setq done nil)
      (setq count 0)
      (while (not done)
        (setq begin-main-i nil)
        (setq meth-i       nil)
        (setq class-i      nil)
         ((setq meth-i (save-excursion
                         (if (progn
                               (looking-at (concat space-regexp meth-regexp)))
           (if (looking-at (concat space-regexp meth-regexp)) (point))
           (if (looking-at (concat space-regexp class-regexp)) (point))
          (setq meth-tab-width (/ (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)) c-basic-offset))
          (setq meth-name (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-meth-name-index) (match-end d-meth-name-index)))
          (setq meth-args (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-meth-args-index) (match-end d-meth-args-index)))
          ;;(setq meth-args (funcall func meth-args))
          ;;(d-debug "Louis Armstrong: Jazz Lips" meth-args)
         ((setq meth-i (save-excursion
                         (re-search-backward (concat space-regexp meth-regexp) nil t)))
          (setq meth-tab-width (/ (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)) c-basic-offset))
          (setq meth-name (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-meth-name-index) (match-end d-meth-name-index)))
          (setq meth-args (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-meth-args-index) (match-end d-meth-args-index)))
          ;;(setq meth-args (funcall func meth-args))
          ;;(d-debug "Louis Armstrong: The Last Time" meth-name)
         ) ;; END COND!
         ((setq class-i (save-excursion
                          (if (progn (beginning-of-line)
                                     (looking-at (concat space-regexp class-regexp)))
          (setq class-tab-width (/ (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)) c-basic-offset))
          (setq class-decl (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-class-decl-index) (match-end d-class-decl-index)))
          (setq class-name (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-class-name-index) (match-end d-class-name-index)))
          ;;(d-debug "Louis Armstrong: Ain't Misbehavin'")
          ;;(debug "Rogina")
         ((setq class-i (save-excursion
                          (re-search-backward (concat space-regexp class-regexp) nil t)))
          (setq class-tab-width (/ (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)) c-basic-offset))
          (setq class-decl (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-class-decl-index) (match-end d-class-decl-index)))
          (setq class-name (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-class-name-index) (match-end d-class-name-index)))
          ;;(d-debug "Louis Armstrong: Once in a while" tab-width)
          ;;(debug "Rugina")
         ;;((setq class-i (save-excursion
         ;;                 (re-search-forward (concat space-regexp class-regexp) nil t)))
         ;; (setq class-tab-width (/ (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)) c-basic-offset))
         ;; (setq class-decl (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-class-decl-index) (match-end d-class-decl-index)))
         ;; (setq class-name (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning d-class-name-index) (match-end d-class-name-index)))
         ;; )
         ) ;; END COND!
        (when (eq *major-mode* 'jtw-mode)
           ((setq begin-main-i (if (save-excursion
                                     (looking-at (concat begin-main-regexp)))
            (setq begin-main-tab-width (/ (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)) c-basic-offset)))
           ;; ----------------------------------------------------------
           ((setq begin-main-i (save-excursion
                                 (re-search-backward begin-main-regexp nil t)))
            (setq begin-main-tab-width (/ (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)) c-basic-offset))
           ) ;; END COND!
          ) ;; END WHEN!
        ;;(if begin-main-i (message "begin-main-i is not nil"))
        (when (and (not meth-i) (not class-i) (not begin-main-i))
          (setq done t)
          ;;(debug "Bjork: Atom Dance")
        ;;(message "count=%s" count)
        (incf count)
        ;;(if (> count 3)    (debug "Led Zeppelin: Down By The Seaside"))
        (if (> count 1000) (debug "Hole in one"))
        (when (not done)
          (if (not meth-i)       (setq meth-i       (point-min)))
          (if (not class-i)      (setq class-i      (point-min)))
          (if (not begin-main-i) (setq begin-main-i (point-min)))
          ;;(d-debug "Louis Armstrong: Squeeze me")
           ((and (>= meth-i class-i) (>= meth-i begin-main-i) (> meth-i 1))
            ;;(if (eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode)
            ;;    (setq cfm--method-1 (concat "(cname " meth-name ") " meth-args))
            (setq cfm--method-1    (concat meth-name meth-args))
            (setq cfm--method-1-rq (regexp-quote cfm--method-1))
            (setq spaces (make-string meth-tab-width ? ))
            (setq cfm--method-1    (concat spaces cfm--method-1))
            (setq cfm--method-1-rq (concat "^" spaces cfm--method-1-rq))
            ;;(d-debug "Highlight Line")
            (setq list (cons (funcall func cfm--method-1-rq) list))
            (goto-char meth-i)
            (forward-line -1)
            ;;(d-debug "Led Zeppelin: Dazed and Confused")
           ((and (>= class-i meth-i) (>= class-i begin-main-i) (> class-i 1))
            (setq cfm--method-1    (concat class-decl " " class-name))
            (setq cfm--method-1-rq (regexp-quote cfm--method-1))
            (setq spaces (make-string class-tab-width ? ))
            (setq cfm--method-1    (concat spaces cfm--method-1))
            (setq cfm--method-1-rq (concat "^" spaces cfm--method-1-rq))
            (setq list (cons (concat "^" spaces class-decl " " (regexp-quote class-name)) list))
            (goto-char class-i)
            (forward-line -1)
            ;;(d-debug "Led Zeppelin: Whole Lotta Love")
           ((and (>= begin-main-i meth-i) (>= begin-main-i class-i) (> begin-main-i 1))
            (setq cfm--method-1 "beginMain")
            (setq cfm--method-1-rq (concat cfm--method-1 "\\>"))
            (setq spaces (make-string begin-main-tab-width ? ))
            (setq cfm--method-1    (concat spaces cfm--method-1))
            (setq cfm--method-1-rq (concat "^" spaces cfm--method-1-rq))
            (setq list (cons (concat "^" spaces "beginMain\\>") list))
            (goto-char begin-main-i)
            (forward-line -1)
            ;;(d-debug "Led Zeppelin: Immigrant Song")
            (setq done t))
           )     ;; END COND!
          ;;(debug "Hole in one")
          ))) ;; END SAVE-EXCURSION!
    ;;(debug "R.E.M: Oddfelows Local 151")
    (set-buffer b)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    ;;(d-debug "Queen: Another one bites the dust")
    (setq ptr list)
    ;;(d-debug "How can words desribe his fallen state")
    (while ptr
      (when (not (re-search-forward (car ptr) nil t))
        ;;(error "Failed to find#2 (car ptr)=%s" (car ptr))
        ;;(d-debug "Nike: Just Do It")
      (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))
    (if (not (= (point-at-bol) (point-min)))
        (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (save-excursion
                                            (skip-chars-forward " \t")
                                            (skip-chars-forward "a-zA-Z0-9_:-")
                           'face 'd-face-speedbar-highlighted)
      (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (save-excursion
                                          (skip-chars-forward " \t")
                                          (skip-chars-forward (regexp-quote "-a-zA-Z0-9_:]"))
                         'face 'd-face-speedbar-highlighted))
    ;;(d-debug "Led Zeppelin: Kashmir")
    (setq p (point))
    ) ;; END LET!

(defun d-namespace--goto-method ()
  (let (p class-spaces class-decl class-name cur-spaces cur-decl
          cur-name cur-args cur-spaces-narrow cur-spaces-wide
          list ptr done)
      (setq cur-line (d-current-line-as-string))
      ;;(sit-and-message 1 (format "cur-line=%s" cur-line))
      (sit-and-message 3 "MANGINA")
      (if (not (string-match "\\(^[ \t]*\\)" (regexp-quote cur-line)))
          (error "Failed search for \\(^[ \t]*\\)%s" (regexp-quote cur-line))
        (setq cur-spaces-narrow (make-string (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)) ? ))
        (setq cur-spaces-wide (if (eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode)
                                (make-string (* c-basic-offset (length cur-spaces-narrow)) ? )))
        ;;(d-debug "R.E.M: Can't get there from here")
        ;;(sit-and-message 1 "cur-spaces-narrow=%s" (prin1-to-string cur-spaces-narrow))
        (setq list nil)
        (setq done nil)
        ;;(setq p (point))
        (while (not done)
          ;;(d-assert (= p (point)))
          (setq cur-line (d-current-line-as-string))
          (setq cur-decl nil)
          (setq cur-name nil)
          (setq cur-args nil)
          ;;(d-debug "Bob Seger: The years roll slowly past")
           ((string-match (concat "^" cur-spaces-narrow "\\([A-Z0-9]+[ \t]+\\)*\\(class\\|interface\\|namespace\\)[ \t]+\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)$") cur-line)
            (setq cur-decl (substring cur-line (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
            (setq cur-name (substring cur-line (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)))
            (setq cur-args nil)
            (d-assert cur-name)
            ;;(d-debug "Apple Computer cur-spaces-narrow=" (prin1-to-string cur-spaces-narrow))
           ((string-match (concat "^" cur-spaces-narrow "\\(cclass\\|cnamespace\\)[ \t]+\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)$") cur-line)
            ;;(d-debug "Def")
            (setq cur-decl (substring cur-line (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
            (setq cur-name (substring cur-line (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
            (setq cur-args nil)
            (d-assert cur-name)
            ;;(d-debug "Creedence Clearwater Revival / Lookin' Out My Back Door")
           ((string-match (concat "^" cur-spaces-narrow "\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)\\((cargs[ \t]*\\((carg [^()]*)[ \t]*\\)*)\\)") cur-line)
            (setq cur-decl nil)
            (setq cur-name (regexp-quote (substring cur-line (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
            ;;(d-debug "Queen: Your my best friend")
            (if (and (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
                (setq cur-args (regexp-quote (substring cur-line (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))
              (if (not cur-args)
                  (setq cur-args "(cargs)")))
            ;;(d-debug "Apple Computer")
            (d-assert cur-name)
           ((string-match (concat "^" cur-spaces-narrow "\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)\\(([^()]*)\\)") cur-line)
            (setq cur-decl nil)
            (setq cur-name (regexp-quote (substring cur-line (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
            ;;(d-debug "Queen: Your my best friend")
            (if (and (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
                (setq cur-args (regexp-quote (substring cur-line (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))
              (if (not cur-args)
                  (setq cur-args "()")))
            ;;(d-debug "Dell Computer")
            (d-assert cur-name)
           ((string-match (concat "^" cur-spaces-narrow "\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)\\((carg [^()]*)\\)") cur-line)
            (setq cur-decl nil)
            (setq cur-name (regexp-quote (substring cur-line (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
            ;;(d-debug "Queen: Your my best friend")
            (if (and (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
                (setq cur-args (regexp-quote (substring cur-line (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))
              (if (not cur-args)
                  (setq cur-args "(cargs)")))
            ;;(d-debug "Steve Jobbs")
            (d-assert cur-name)
           ((string-match (concat "^" cur-spaces-narrow "beginMain\\>") cur-line)
            ;;(d-debug "Ghi")
            (setq cur-decl nil)
            (setq cur-name "beginMain")
            (setq cur-args nil)
            (d-assert cur-name)
            ;;(sit-and-message 1 "Else case")
            (setq cur-decl nil)
            (setq cur-name nil)
            (setq cur-args nil)
            ) ;; END! (t ...
           ) ;; END COND!
          ;;(d-assert cur-name)
          (when cur-name
            ;;(d-debug "Count Basie and his Orchestra / Thou Swell")
            ;;(sit-and-message 3 "(not (eq cur-name nil))")
            ;;(sit-and-message 1 "cur-decl=%s" cur-decl)
            (if (eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode)
                (setq list (cons (if cur-args
                                     (concat cur-spaces-wide "(\\(cfunction\\|cmethod\\) (ctype [^()]*) (cname " cur-name ") " cur-args)
                                   (if cur-decl
                                       (concat cur-spaces-wide "(" cur-decl " " cur-name))) list))
              (setq list (cons (concat "^"
                                       "\\([A-Z0-9]+[ \t]+\\)*"
                                       (if cur-decl
                                           (concat cur-decl " " cur-name (if cur-args (concat " " cur-args)))
                                         (if (string= cur-name "beginMain")
                                           (concat "[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*[a-zA-Z0-9_<,.]*[ >]*[&*]*[][]*[ \t]+" cur-name cur-args)
                                           ))) list))
              ;;(d-debug "Calamansi list=" list)
              ;;(d-debug "Calamansi cur-spaces-wide=" (prin1-to-string cur-spaces-wide) ", list=" list)
            (if (eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode)
                (if (>= (length cur-spaces-wide) 1)
                    (setq cur-spaces-wide (substring cur-spaces-wide 0 -1))
                  (setq done t))
              (if (>= (length cur-spaces-wide) c-basic-offset)
                  (setq cur-spaces-wide (substring cur-spaces-wide 0 (- c-basic-offset)))
                (setq done t)))
            (if (>= (length cur-spaces-narrow) 1)
                (setq cur-spaces-narrow (substring cur-spaces-narrow 0 -1))
              (setq done t))
            ) ;; END WHEN! cur-name
          (when (not done)
            ;; (setq cur-spaces-narrow "   ")
            ;;(sit-and-message 1 "(forward-line -1) cur-spaces-narrow=%s" (prin1-to-string cur-spaces-narrow))
            (forward-line -1)) ;; END WHEN! (not done)
          (when (bobp)
            (setq done t)
            ;;(sit-and-message 1 "(bobp)")
            )                  ;; END WHEN! (bobp)
          )                    ;; END while! (not done)
        )                      ;; END if! (not (string-match
      )                        ;; END SAVE-EXCURSION!
    (other-window 1)
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (setq ptr list)
    (sit-and-message 5 (format "Calamansi ptr=%s" (prin1-to-string ptr)))
    (while ptr
      (when (not (re-search-forward (car ptr) nil t))
        (d-beeps "Failed to find#1 (car ptr)=%s" (car ptr))
      (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))
    ;;(d-debug "Bob Dylan / The moral of the story is very plain to see")
    )                          ;; END LET!
  )                            ;; END defun! d-namespace--goto-method

;; (setq alist '((abc . def) (ghi jkl)))
;; (d-speedbar)
;; NOTE: sfsasdas
(defun d-speedbar ()
  ;;(message "Entering defun d-speedbar")
  (block nil
      (copy-face 'font-lock-function-name-face 'd-face-speedbar-highlighted)
      (when (get-buffer "*compilation*")
        (set-buffer "*compilation*")
    (when (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
      ;;(message "Fundamental-mode")
    (when (or (eq major-mode 'grep-mode)
              (eq major-mode 'help-mode)
              (eq major-mode 'occur-mode)
              (eq major-mode 'debugger-mode)
              (eq major-mode 'Buffer-menu-mode)
              ;;(eq major-mode 'compilation-mode)
              (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
              (eq major-mode 'messages-buffer-mode)
              (eq major-mode 'minibuffer-inactive-mode)
              (eq major-mode 'electric-buffer-menu-mode))
      ;;(message "Returning nil major-mode=%s" major-mode)
      (return nil))
      (let ((buffer-name (buffer-name)) old-buf new-buf list ptr
            list2 ptr2 s1 s2 p1 p2 p3 p4 name1 name2 name3 name4
            decl1 decl2 decl3 decl4 old-class class spaces a
            speedbar-buf-name speedbar-window count)
        (setq a (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence))
        ;;(message "#111 entered save-match-data form a=%s" a)
        ;; (setq alist '((abc . "def")))
        ;; (assq 'abc alist)
        ;; (setf (cdr (assq 'abc alist)) "poo-bear")
        (if a
              ;;(sit-and-message 0 "if a branch")
              (setq speedbar-buf-name (nth 1 a))
              (d-assert (boundp 'speedbar-buf-name))
              (d-assert speedbar-buf-name)
              (d-assert (stringp speedbar-buf-name))
              ;;(d-assert (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name))
              ;;(d-assert (buffer-live-p (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name)))
              (if (or (not (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name))
                      (not (buffer-live-p (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name))))
                  (setq speedbar-buf-name (d-speedbar--get-latest-speedbar-buffer)))
              (setq speedbar-window (nth 2 a))
              (d-assert (boundp 'speedbar-window))
              (d-assert (boundp 'd-window-size))
              (when d-window-size
                (d-assert d-window-size)
                (d-assert (integerp d-window-size))
                (when (or (not (boundp 'speedbar-buf-name))
                          (not (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name))
                          (not (buffer-live-p (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name))))
                  (set-buffer (generate-new-buffer speedbar-buf-name)))
                (when (and (or (not (boundp 'speedbar-window))
                               (not speedbar-window)
                               (not (window-live-p speedbar-window)))
                           (or (not (boundp 'speedbar-buf-name))
                               (not (stringp speedbar-buf-name))
                               (not (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name))
                               (not (buffer-live-p (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name))))
                           (= (count-windows nil) 1))
                  (setq speedbar-window (split-window-right (- d-window-size)))
                    (other-window 1)
                    (d-assert (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name))
                    (set-window-buffer (selected-window)
                                       (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name)
                    (other-window 1))))
              ;;(sit-and-message 0 "end of if a branch")
            ;;(sit-and-message 0 "else branch")
              (d-assert (boundp 'speedbar-window))
              (d-assert (boundp 'speedbar-buf-name))
              (d-assert (stringp speedbar-buf-name))
              (d-assert (buffer-live-p (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name))))
            (when (or (not (boundp 'speedbar-buf-name))
                      (not (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name))
                      (not (buffer-live-p (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name))))
              (set-buffer (generate-new-buffer speedbar-buf-name)))
            (when (and (= (count-windows nil) 1)
                       (or (not speedbar-window)
                           (not (windowp speedbar-window))
                           (not (window-live-p speedbar-window)))
                       (or (not speedbar-buf-name)
                           (not (buffer-live-p (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name)))))
              (setq speedbar-window (split-window-right (- d-window-size)))
                (other-window 1)
                (set-window-buffer (selected-window) speedbar-buf-name 'KEEP-MARGINS)
                (other-window 1))
            (d-debug "Frank Sinatra / You're Getting to be a habit with me")
            (d-assert (windowp speedbar-window))
            (d-assert (window-live-p speedbar-window))
            (d-assert (boundp 'speedbar-buf-name))
            (d-assert speedbar-buf-name)
            (d-assert (stringp speedbar-buf-name))
            (d-assert (buffer-live-p (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name)))
            ;;(sit-and-message 0 "end of else branch")
         when (not (buffer-live-p (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name)))
         (sit-and-message 1 (format "(not (buffer-live-p (get-buffer %s)))" speedbar-buf-name))
         (setq speedbar-buf-name (d-speedbar--get-latest-speedbar-buffer))
         (d-assert (boundp 'speedbar-buf-name))
         (d-assert speedbar-buf-name)
         (d-assert (stringp speedbar-buf-name))
         (d-assert (buffer-live-p (get-buffer speedbar-buf-name)))
         (setq speedbar-window (get-buffer-window speedbar-buf-name (selected-frame)))
         (when (and (or (not (boundp 'speedbar-window))
                        (not speedbar-window)
                        (not (window-live-p speedbar-window)))
                    (= (count-windows nil) 1))
           ;;(sit-and-message 3 "frog #456 major-mode=%s d-window-size=%s" major-mode d-window-size)
           ;;(sit-and-message 3 "About to split window")
           (setq speedbar-window (split-window-right (- d-window-size)))
           (other-window 1)
           (set-window-buffer (selected-window) speedbar-buf-name 'KEEP-MARGINS)
           (other-window 1)
         (d-assert (boundp 'speedbar-window))
         (d-assert speedbar-window)
         (d-assert (windowp speedbar-window))
         (d-assert (window-live-p speedbar-window))
         (when (or (not speedbar-window)
                   (not (window-live-p speedbar-window)))
           ;;(sit-and-message 3 "#789 setq d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence")
           (setq d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence (cons (list
           ;;(setq count (count-windows nil))
           ;;(sit-and-message 3 "#045 count=%s" count)
           (setq a (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence))
          ;; -----------------------------------------------------
        (setq new-buf speedbar-buf-name)
        (setq b new-buf)
        ;;(sit-and-message 1 "before frog new-buf=%s" new-buf)
        (d-assert new-buf)
        (d-assert (and 'blind-man (stringp new-buf)))
        ;;(sit-and-message 1 "before unwind-protect")
              (setq old-buf (d-speedbar--get-old-buffer))
              ;;(sit-and-message 1 "before frog old-buf=%s" old-buf)
              (set-buffer old-buf)
              ;; -------------------------------------------------------
              (d-assert new-buf)
              (set-buffer new-buf)
              (kill-local-variable 'd-speedbar-mode)
              (setq-default d-speedbar-mode t)
              (if (string-match d-speedbar--regexp-name new-buf)
                  (read-only-mode 1)
              (d-assert d-speedbar-mode)
              (when prefs-davins-keybindings-online-p
                (use-local-map d-speedbar-map)
                (local-set-key [(return)] 'd-speedbar--goto-method))
              ;;(sit-and-message 1 "before set-buffer old-buf")
                (set-buffer old-buf)
                ;;(d-assert (not (eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)))
                (when (not (or (eq major-mode 'grep-mode)
                               (eq major-mode 'help-mode)
                               (eq major-mode 'occur-mode)
                               (eq major-mode 'debugger-mode)
                               ;;(eq major-mode 'compilation-mode)
                               (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
                               (eq major-mode 'messages-buffer-mode)
                               (eq major-mode 'minibuffer-inactive-mode)
                               (eq major-mode 'electric-buffer-menu-mode)))
                  (setq-default *major-mode* major-mode))
              (kill-local-variable '*old-major-mode*)
              (setq-default *old-major-mode* major-mode)
              (kill-local-variable 'd-window-size)
              ;;(d-assert d-window-size)
                (setq list nil)
                (setq list (cons (if (buffer-file-name)
                                     (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))
                (if d-window-size
                    (setq list (cons (make-string d-window-size ?-)
                                     list))) ;; END if!
                (goto-char (point-min))
                (d-assert old-buf)
                (d-assert new-buf)
                (when d-window-size
                  ;;(d-debug "Schubert's 9th Symphony")
                   ;; ------------------------------------------------------
                   ((eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode)
                    (setq meth-regexp  d-speedbar--lisp++-meth-regexp)
                    (setq class-regexp d-speedbar--lisp++-class-regexp)
                    (d-namespace--insert-all-methods 1 'identity meth-regexp class-regexp)
                    ;;(d-debug "Foomatic")
                   ;; --------------------------------------------------
                   ((eq *major-mode* 'dired-mode)
                    (setq list2 (d-directory-files-subdirs default-directory nil "^[^.]" t))
                    (setq list2 (sort list2 'string<-ignore-case))
                    (setq ptr2 list2)
                    (while ptr2
                      (setq list (cons (concat (car ptr2) "/") list))
                      (setq ptr2 (cdr ptr2)))
                    (setq list2 (d-directory-files-nondirs default-directory nil "\\.\\(bat\\|c\\|cc\\|c2j\\|cpp\\|css\\|el\\|h\\|html?\\|hts\\|java\\|js\\|m4\\|php\\|tes\\|tex\\|jtw\\|txt\\|jpg\\|png\\|bmp\\|xcf\\|tar\\|gz\\|exe\\|flac\\|zip\\)$" t))
                    (setq list2 (sort list2 'string<-ignore-case))
                    (setq ptr2 list2)
                    (while ptr2
                      (setq list (cons (car ptr2) list))
                      (setq ptr2 (cdr ptr2)))
                    (setq list (nreverse list))
                      (set-buffer new-buf)
                      (read-only-mode -1)
                      (setq ptr list)
                      (while ptr
                         (propertize user-init-file
                                     'mouse-face 'highlight
                                     'help-echo "mouse-2: visit this file"
                                     'follow-link t
                                     (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
                                           (cmd (lambda ()
                                       (define-key map [mouse-2] cmd)
                                       (define-key map [?\C-m] cmd)
                        ;;(insert (car ptr) "\n")
                        (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))
                   ;; ------------------------------------------------------
                   ((eq *major-mode* 'emacs-lisp-mode)
                      (set-buffer new-buf)
                      (setq truncate-lines nil))
                      (set-buffer old-buf)
                      (setq truncate-lines t))
                    ;; ------------------------------------------------------------------ -a-zA-Z0-9_<>/:!*+=
                    (let (i type name args)
                      ;;(setq i 0)
                      (while (re-search-forward "(\\(d-defmacro\\|defun\\|defmacro\\|defadvice\\)[ \t\r\n]+\\([-a-zA-Z0-9_<>/:!*+=]+\\)[ \t\r\n]*\\(([^()]*)\\)?" nil t)
                        (setq type (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
                        (setq name (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
                        (setq args (if (and (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3))
                                       (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3))
                        (setq list (cons (concat name args)
                        )) ;; END LET!
                      (set-buffer new-buf)
                      (read-only-mode -1)
                      (setq list (nreverse list))
                      (setq ptr list)
                      (while ptr
                         (propertize (car ptr)
                                     'mouse-face 'highlight
                                     'help-echo "mouse-2: visit this file"
                                     'follow-link t
                                     (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
                                           (cmd (lambda ()
                                      (define-key map [mouse-2] cmd)
                                      (define-key map [?\C-m] cmd)
                        ;;(insert (car ptr) "\n")
                        (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))
                      ) ;; END SAVE-EXCURSION!
                    )   ;; END! (eq *major-mode* 'emacs-lisp-mode)
                   ;; ------------------------------------------------------
                   ((eq *major-mode* 'java-mode)
                      (set-buffer old-buf)
                      (setq truncate-lines t))
                    (setq meth-regexp  d-speedbar--java-meth-regexp)
                    (setq class-regexp d-speedbar--java-class-regexp)
                    (d-namespace--insert-all-methods c-basic-offset 'identity meth-regexp class-regexp)
                   ;; ---------------------------------------------------
                   ((eq *major-mode* 'jtw-mode)
                      (set-buffer old-buf)
                      (setq truncate-lines t))
                    (setq meth-regexp  d-speedbar--jtw-meth-regexp)
                    (setq class-regexp d-speedbar--jtw-class-regexp)
                    ;;(debug "not implemented yet")
                    (d-namespace--insert-all-methods c-basic-offset 'identity meth-regexp class-regexp)
                   ;; ------------------------------------------------------
                   ((or (eq *major-mode* 'c-mode)
                        (eq *major-mode* 'c++-mode))
                       (set-buffer (find-file "~/dlisp/experimental/"))
                       (setq meth-regexp  d-speedbar--c++-meth-regexp)
                       (setq class-regexp d-speedbar--c++-class-regexp)
                       (d-get-classes-and-methods c-basic-offset meth-regexp class-regexp)
                    (setq meth-regexp  d-speedbar--c++-meth-regexp)
                    (setq class-regexp d-speedbar--c++-class-regexp)
                    (d-namespace--insert-all-methods c-basic-offset 'identity meth-regexp class-regexp)
                    ) ;; END! (or (eq major-mode c-mode) (eq major-mode 'c++-mode))
                   ;; ------------------------------------------------------
                   ((eq *major-mode* 'c2j-mode)
                    (setq truncate-lines t)
                    (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\) \\(strobe \".*\";\\|label function_\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\);\\|nop beg_[a-z]*;\\|nop end_[a-z]*\\)\\(//.*$\\)?" nil t)
                      (setq list (cons (list ""
                                             (concat (if (and (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
                                                         (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
                                                     " "
                                                     (if (and (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
                                                         (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
                                                     (if (and (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4))
                                                         (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4))))
                                             "") list))
                      ;;(debug "Sexy rexy")
                      (if (eq (caddar list) nil)
                          (setcar (cdar list) (concat (cadar list) "\n"))))

(setq list (nreverse list))
                      (set-buffer new-buf)
                      (read-only-mode -1)
                      (setq ptr list)
                      (while ptr
                        (if (consp (car ptr))
                            (insert (cadar ptr) "\n")
                          (insert (car ptr) "\n"))
                        (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))
                    ) ;; END! (eq *major-mode* 'c2j-mode)
                   ;; ------------------------------------------------------
                   ((eq *major-mode* 'compilation-mode)
                      (set-buffer new-buf)
                      (setq truncate-lines t))
                    (setq s1 "^[ \t]*\\(\\*\\)* STROBE=\"[-a-zA-Z0-9_]*\"")
                    ;;(setq s2 "^\\(make\\|make\\[[0-9]*\\]:\\|cpp\\|Compilation\\|mkdir\\|for\\|java\\|javac\\|rm\\|mv\\|cp\\|cd\\|tar\\|gzip\\)\\( .*$\\)")
                    (setq s2 "^\\(make\\|Compilation\\)\\( .*$\\)")
                    (while (re-search-forward (concat "\\(" s1 "\\|" s2 "\\)") nil t)
                      ;;cd ..; make tar
                      ;;**** STROBE="a"
                            (looking-at s1)))
                        (setq list (cons (d-trim-string (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
                            (looking-at s2)))
                        (setq list (cons (d-trim-string (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
                    (setq list (nreverse list))
                      (set-buffer new-buf)
                      (read-only-mode -1)
                      (setq ptr list)
                      (while ptr
                        (insert (car ptr) "\n")
                        (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))
                      ) ;; END SAVE-EXCURSION!
                    )   ;; END! (eq *major-mode* 'compilation-mode)
                   ;; ------------------------------------------------------
                   ((eq *major-mode* 'php-mode)
                    (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*function \\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)[ \t]*\\(([^()]*)\\)" nil t)
                      (setq list (cons (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 2))
                    (setq list (nreverse list))
                    (set-buffer new-buf)
                    (read-only-mode -1)
                    (setq ptr list)
                    (while ptr
                      (insert (car ptr) "\n")
                      (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))
                    ;;(sit-and-message 5 "list=%s" list)
                    )  ;; END! (eq *major-mode* 'php-mode)
                   ;; ----------------------------------------------------
                   ((eq *major-mode* 'makefile-mode)
                    (while (re-search-forward "^\\(%\\.[a-z+]+: %\\.[a-z+]+.*\\|[-a-z0-9+]+:.*\\)[ \t]*$" nil t)
                      (setq list (cons (buffer-substring-no-properties
                                        (match-beginning 1)
                                        (match-end 1))
                    (setq list (nreverse list))
                      (set-buffer new-buf)
                      (read-only-mode -1)
                      (setq ptr list)
                      (while ptr
                        (insert (car ptr) "\n")
                         (forward-line -1)
                         (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'default))
                        (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))
                      ) ;; END SAVE-EXCURSION!
                    )   ;; END! (eq *major-mode* 'makefile-mode)
                   ((eq *major-mode* 'text-mode)
                    (setq list (nreverse list))
                      (set-buffer new-buf)
                      (read-only-mode -1)
                      ;;(insert "holy smoke, batman!\n")
                      ;;(insert "rattle snakes!\n")
                      (setq ptr list)
                      (while ptr
                        (insert (car ptr) "\n")
                        (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))
                      ) ;; END SAVE-EXCURSION!
                    )   ;; END! (eq *major-mode* 'text-mode)
                   ;; ------------------------------------------------------
                   ) ;; END COND!
                  )  ;; END WHEN! d-window-size
                )    ;; END PROGN!
              )      ;; END SAVE-EXCURSION!
          )          ;; END UNWIND-PROTECT!
        (d-assert new-buf)
        (when (and (boundp 'd-window-size) d-window-size)
          ((fboundp 'split-window-right)
           (setq speedbar-window (split-window-right (- d-window-size)))
           ;;(d-debug "The Jackson Five / I am Love")
          ((fboundp 'split-window-horizontally)
           (setq speedbar-window (split-window-horizontally (- d-window-size)))
           (d-debug "The Jackson Five / Looking Through the Window")
           (d-debug "Natalie Cole / Almost Like Being in Love")
         ;;(error "Carrot")
         (d-assert new-buf)
         ;;(if debug-on-error (error "Prince: Purple Rain"))
         (d-assert (window-live-p speedbar-window))
          ((and (fboundp 'set-window-buffer)
                (window-live-p speedbar-window)
           (set-window-buffer speedbar-window new-buf)
           ;;(d-debug "Natalie Cole / Thou Swell")
          ((and (fboundp 'display-buffer-same-window) new-buf)
           (d-debug "Natalie Cole / Nature Boy")
           (display-buffer-same-window new-buf nil))
           (d-debug "Natalie Cole / Too Young")
         (select-window speedbar-window)
         ;;(if (= (count-windows) 1)
         ;;    (setq speedbar-window (split-window-right (- d-window-size))))
         ;;(other-window 1)
         ;;(d-assert (= (count-windows) 2))
         ;;(set-window-buffer (selected-window) new-buf 'KEEP-MARGINS)
         ;;(other-window 1)
         ) ;; END WHEN! (and (boundp 'd-window-size) d-window-size)
        ;; -----------------------------------------------------------
        (when a
          (setf (nth 1 a) speedbar-buf-name)
          (setf (nth 2 a) speedbar-window)
          ) ;; END WHEN! a
        (when (not a)
          (d-debug "Prince / When the doves cry")
          (setq d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence (cons (list (selected-frame)
                                                            d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence))) ;; END WHEN! (not a)
        ;; -----------------------------------------------------
          ;;(d-assert (eq (count-windows nil) 2))
          (set-buffer new-buf)
          (if (string-match d-speedbar--regexp-name new-buf)
              (read-only-mode 1)
          (goto-char (point-min))
          (other-window 1)
;; end defun: d-speedbar ()

(defun d-delete-speedbar-window ()
  (let (win)
    (setq win (nth 2 (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence)))
    (if (and (window-live-p win) d-window-size (>= (count-windows) 2))
        (delete-window win))))

(defun d-split (str size)
  (let ((i 0)
        (len (length str))
        (result ""))
    (while (< i len)
      (if (and (/= 0 i) (= 0 (mod i size)))
          (setq result (concat result "\n")))
      (if (and (/= (aref str i) ?\n)
               (/= (aref str i) ?\r))
          (setq result (format "%s%c" result (aref str i))))
      (incf i))

  ;;(fset 'd-message-old (symbol-function 'message))
  (kill-local-variable 'd-message-on)
  (setq-default d-message-on t)

(defadvice message (around d-speedbar activate)
    (if d-message-on

;; (d-speedbar--cull-unused-buffers (setq b " *d-11*"))
(defun d-speedbar--cull-unused-buffers (b)
  ;;(sit-and-message 10 "d-speedbar--cull-unused-buffers")
  (d-assert b)
  (d-assert (stringp b))
  (let ((ptr (buffer-list)))
    (while ptr
      (if (and (string-match d-speedbar--regexp-name (buffer-name (car ptr)))
               (not (eq (car ptr) (get-buffer b))))
          (kill-buffer (car ptr)))
      (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))

(defun d-speedbar--dired-fontify ()
  (let ((case-fold-search t))
    (while (not (eobp))
      (setq str (d-current-line-as-string))
      (read-only-mode -1)
       ((string-match "/$" str)
        (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'dired-directory)
       ((or (string-match "\\.jpg$" str)
            (string-match "\\.png$" str)
            (string-match "\\.bmp$" str)
            (string-match "\\.xcf$" str)
        (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'fg:lightmagenta)
       ((string-match "\\.flac$" str)
        (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'dc-face-dired-sounds)
       ((or (string-match "\\.tar$" str)
            (string-match "\\.gz$"  str)
            (string-match "\\.zip$" str)
        (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'fg:lightred)
       ((string-match "\\.exe$" str)
        (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'fg:lightgreen)
       ((string-match "\\.html?$" str)
        (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'font-lock-function-name-face)
        (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'default)
      (forward-line 1))))

(defun f5 ()
  (message "(eq major-mode 'minibuffer-inactive-mode)=%s"
           (eq major-mode 'minibuffer-inactive-mode))
  (message "major-mode=%s" major-mode)

(when prefs-davins-keybindings-online-p
  (global-set-key [f5] 'f5)

;; (message "foo%s" "bar")
;; (funcall 'd-message-old "foo%s" "bar")
;; (message "foo%s" "bar")
;; (d-message "foo%s%s" "bar" "zip")
;; (d-speedbar--set--delete-all)
;; (d-speedbar--set--set-current)
(defun d-speedbar--set--delete-all ()
  (let ((d-message-on t)
        (w nil) p1 p2 done a b p)
    (when (and (not (eq major-mode 'text-mode))
               (not (eq major-mode 'package-mode))
               (not (eq major-mode 'minibuffer-inactive-mode))
               (not (eq major-mode 'electric-buffer-menu-mode))
               (not (d-speedbar--is-speedbar-showing)))
          (if (string-match d-speedbar--regexp-name (buffer-name))
                (read-only-mode -1)
                (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
                (setq b (buffer-name))
                ;; DO NOTHING else!
                    (setq a (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence))
                    (d-assert a)
                    (setq b (nth 1 a))
                    (setq w (nth 2 a))
                    (d-assert (boundp 'w))
                    (d-assert w)
                    (d-assert (windowp w))
                    ;;(message "#frog d-window-size=%s major-mode=%s" d-window-size major-mode)
                    (when (and d-window-size
                               (or (not w)
                                   (not (window-live-p w))))
                      (setq w (split-window-right (- d-window-size)))
                    ;;(d-assert (window-live-p w))
                    (d-assert (boundp 'b))
                    (d-assert b)
                    (d-assert (stringp b))
                    (d-assert (get-buffer b))
                    (d-assert (buffer-live-p (get-buffer b)))
                    (when b
                      (d-speedbar--cull-unused-buffers b))
                    (when (or (not b)
                              (not (stringp b))
                              (not (get-buffer b))
                              (and (get-buffer b) (not (buffer-live-p (get-buffer b)))))
                        ;;(error "Dallas")
                        (setq b (d-speedbar--get-latest-speedbar-buffer))
                        (setf (nth 1 a) b)
                        (setf (nth 2 a) w)
                        (generate-new-buffer b)
                    (d-assert b)
                    (d-assert (stringp b))
                    (d-assert (buffer-live-p (get-buffer b)))
                    ;;(d-assert (and 'a-sailboat-in-the-moonlight (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence)))
                    ;;(d-assert (and 'me-myself-and-i (nth 1 (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence))))
                    (setq a (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence))
                    (if a
                        (setf (nth 1 a) b))
                    ;;(error "Duke Ellington: Newport Up")
                    (setq-default *major-mode* major-mode)
                    (set-buffer b)
                    (read-only-mode -1)
                    (if (and (eobp) (bobp)) (d-speedbar))
                     ;; --------------------------------------------
                     ((eq *major-mode* 'emacs-lisp-mode)
                        (setq p (point))
                        (goto-char (point-min))
                        (while (not (eobp))
                          (setq p1 (point))
                          (skip-chars-forward "-a-zA-Z0-9_<>!@#$%^&*+")
                          (setq p2 (point))
                          ;;(d-debug "Black Sabbath: Laguna Sunrise")
                          (when (not (eq p1 p2))
                            (put-text-property p1 p2 'face 'default)
                          (forward-line 1))
                        (d-assert (and 'story-of-bo-diddley p))
                     ;; --------------------------------------------
                     ((eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode)
                        (while (not (eobp))
                          (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'default)
                          (forward-line 1)))
                        (goto-char (point-min))
                        (while (re-search-forward "^ *\\(cclass +\\)\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)$" nil t)
                          (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (match-end 1) 'face 'bold)
                          (put-text-property (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2) 'face 'font-lock-type-face)
                        (goto-char (point-min))
                        (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)\\(::[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)?\\((\\|$\\)" nil t)
                          (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'default)
                          (when (and (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
                            (put-text-property (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) 'face 'red-face))
                          (forward-line 1)
                     ;; --------------------------------------------
                     ((or (eq *major-mode* 'c-mode)
                          (eq *major-mode* 'c++-mode)
                          (eq *major-mode* 'php-mode)
                          (eq *major-mode* 'jtw-mode)
                          (eq *major-mode* 'java-mode)
                        ;;(debug "Semolina")
                        (goto-char (point-min))
                        (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)\\(::[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)?\\((\\|$\\)" nil t)
                          (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'default)
                          (when (and (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
                            (put-text-property (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) 'face 'fg:lightred))
                          (forward-line 1)
                          (goto-char (point-min))
                          (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*namespace \\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]*\\)" nil t)
                            ;;(put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'default)
                            (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (match-beginning 1) 'face 'bold)
                            (put-text-property (match-beginning 1) (point-at-eol) 'face 'fg:lightred)
                        ;;(debug "Toboganning")
                        (goto-char (point-min))
                        (while (re-search-forward "^ *\\(class +\\|interface +\\)\\([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)$" nil t)
                          (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (match-end 1) 'face 'bold)
                          (put-text-property (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2) 'face 'font-lock-type-face)
                          ;;(debug "Trouble in transmission")
                     ;; -----------------------------------------------
                     ((eq *major-mode* 'compilation-mode)
                      (setq p (point))
                      ;;(error "Wrong mode #2")
                      (goto-char (point-min))
                      (while (not (eobp))
                        ;;(skip-chars-forward "* a-zA-Z0-9=\"/.")
                        (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'default)
                        (forward-line 1)))
                     ;; ------------------------------------------------
                     ((eq *major-mode* 'dired-mode)
                      (let ((case-fold-search t))
                        (setq p (point))
                     ;; --------------------------------------------------
                     ((eq *major-mode* 'makefile-mode)
                      (let ((case-fold-search t))
                        (setq p (point))
                        (read-only-mode -1)
                        (while (not (eobp))
                          (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'default)
                          (forward-line 1))))
                     ;; ------------------------------------------------
                     ((or (eq *major-mode* 'c2j-mode)
                          (eq *major-mode* 'dired-mode)
                          (eq *major-mode* 'fundamental-mode)
                        (setq p (point))
                        (goto-char (point-min))
                        (while (not (eobp))
                          (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'default)
                          (forward-line 1))))
                      ;; --------------------------------------------------
;; end defun: d-speedbar--set--delete-all

;; (sit-and-message 10 "abc")
(defun sit-and-message (secs str)
  (while (> secs 0)
    (message "Pausing for %s seconds... str=(%s)" secs str)
    (sit-for 1)
    (decf secs))

;; (d-speedbar--set--set-current)
(defun d-speedbar--set--set-current ()
  ;;(condition-case err
  (let ((d-message-on t) p b w a p1 p2 spaces
        old-win (debug-on-error t))
      (if (string-match d-speedbar--regexp-name (buffer-name))
            ;;(message "d-speedbar--set--set-current (buffer-name)=%s" (buffer-name))
            (read-only-mode -1)
                (setq spaces (make-string c-basic-offset ? ))
                (setq a (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence))
                (setq b (nth 1 a))
                (setq w (nth 2 a))
                (if (not (get-buffer b))
                    (generate-new-buffer b))
                (set-buffer b)
                (setq p (point))
                (read-only-mode -1))
              (set-buffer (d-speedbar--get-old-buffer))
              (let (p1 p2 pair pair2 line class)
                (setq-default cfm--method nil)
                (set-buffer   (d-speedbar--get-old-buffer))
                (if (not (or (eq major-mode 'grep-mode)
                             (eq major-mode 'help-mode)
                             (eq major-mode 'occur-mode)
                             (eq major-mode 'debugger-mode)
                             (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
                             (eq major-mode 'messages-buffer-mode)
                             (eq major-mode 'minibuffer-inactive-mode)
                             (eq major-mode 'electric-buffer-menu-mode)))
                    (setq-default *major-mode* major-mode))
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode)
                  (setq meth-regexp  d-speedbar--lisp++-meth-regexp)
                  (setq class-regexp d-speedbar--lisp++-class-regexp)
                  (d-namespace--highlight-line 1 'identity meth-regexp class-regexp)
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'emacs-lisp-mode)
                    (setq-default cfm--name-lisp (d-trim-string (cfm--get-defun))))
                  (when (null cfm--name-lisp)
                    (setq cfm--name-lisp ""))
                  (if (not cfm--name-lisp)
                        ;;(debug "Calamansi")
                        (forward-line -1)
                        (setq-default cfm--name-lisp (d-trim-string (cfm--get-defun)))))
                  ;;(error "cfm--name=%s" cfm--name)
                  (when (not (string= cfm--name-lisp ""))
                    ;;(select-window d-window-right)
                    (set-buffer b)
                    (goto-char (point-min))
                    (setq cfm--method-lisp (concat "^" (regexp-quote cfm--name-lisp) "("))
                    (setq cfm--method-2-lisp cfm--method-lisp)
                    ;;(when (string-match "^[a-z][-a-zA-Z0-9_+<>/=:!*]*\\." (d-current-line-as-string))
                    ;;  (re-search-forward cfm--method-lisp nil t))
                    (when (re-search-forward cfm--method-lisp nil t)
                      (setq p1 (point))
                      (skip-chars-forward "-a-zA-Z0-9_ +<>/=:!&*")
                      (setq p2 (point))
                      (setq d-str (buffer-substring-no-properties p1 p2))
                      ;;(debug "Duke Ellington")
                      (when (and (not (eq p1 p2))
                                 (not (save-excursion
                        (put-text-property p1 p2 'face 'd-face-speedbar-highlighted)
                      (setq p (point))
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'java-mode)
                    (setq meth-regexp  d-speedbar--java-meth-regexp)
                    (setq class-regexp d-speedbar--java-class-regexp)
                    (d-namespace--highlight-line c-basic-offset 'identity meth-regexp class-regexp))
                  (d-assert p)
                  ) ;; END (EQ MAJOR-MODE 'JAVA-MODE) COOL HERE
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'jtw-mode)
                    (setq meth-regexp  d-speedbar--jtw-meth-regexp)
                    (setq class-regexp d-speedbar--jtw-class-regexp)
                    (d-namespace--highlight-line c-basic-offset 'identity meth-regexp class-regexp))
                  (d-assert p)
                 ;; -----------------------------------------------
                 ((or (eq *major-mode* 'c-mode)
                      (eq *major-mode* 'c++-mode))
                  ;;(debug "When black friday comes")
                  (setq meth-regexp  d-speedbar--c++-meth-regexp)
                  (setq class-regexp d-speedbar--c++-class-regexp)
                  (d-namespace--highlight-line c-basic-offset 'identity meth-regexp class-regexp)
                  (d-quote if (not p) (message "(p is nil)")
                           (message "(p is not nil)"))
                  ;;(debug "Cold potatoes")
                  ;;(setq-default d-old-method nil)
                  ;;(setq-default d-all-smegs t)
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'php-mode)
                  (let ((debug-on-error t))
                    (setq pair (cfm--get-php-function))
                    (when pair
                      (setq cfm--name (car pair))
                      (setq cfm--args (cdr pair))
                      (when (not (string= cfm--name ""))
                        (set-buffer b)
                        ;;(select-window d-window-right)
                        (goto-char (point-min))
                        (setq cfm--method (concat "^" cfm--name "[ \t]*" (regexp-quote cfm--args)))
                        ;;(debug 123)
                        (if (not (re-search-forward cfm--method nil t))
                            (sit-and-message 5 (format "Search failed: %s" cfm--method))
                          (re-search-backward "(")
                          (setq p1 (point))
                          (skip-chars-backward "a-zA-Z0-9_")
                          (setq p2 (point))
                          (put-text-property p2 p1 'face 'd-face-speedbar-highlighted)
                        (setq p (point))
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'compilation-mode)
                  (let (ptr list)
                    (setq list (d-speedbar--get-compilation-strobes))
                    ;;(setq list (nreverse list))
                    ;;(setq list (mapcar 'regexp-quote list))
                    (setq ptr list)
                    (setq cfm--name-2 (cfm--get-compilation-strobe))
                    (when (and (not (string= cfm--name-2 "")) cfm--name-2)
                      (set-buffer b)
                      ;;(select-window d-window-right)
                      (goto-char (point-min))
                      (while ptr
                        (when (not (re-search-forward (concat "^" (car ptr)) nil t))
                          (message "smeg 2 not found %s" (car ptr))
                        (setq ptr (cdr ptr)))
                      (setq cfm--method-2 (concat "^" (regexp-quote cfm--name-2)))
                      (setq cfm--method cfm--method-2)
                      ;;(debug 123)
                      (insert " ")
                      (forward-line -1)
                      (when (re-search-forward cfm--method-2 nil t)
                        (put-text-property (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol) 'face 'd-face-speedbar-highlighted)
                      (setq p (point))
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'c2j-mode)
                    (when (or
                           (looking-at         (concat "^[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\) \\(strobe \"[a-za-Z0-9_]+\";\\|label function_\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)\\|nop \\(beg_\\|end_\\)[a-zA-Z0-9_]*;\\)"))
                           (re-search-backward (concat "^[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\) \\(strobe \"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\";\\|label function_\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)\\|nop \\(beg_\\|end_\\)[a-zA-Z0-9_]*;\\)") nil t))
                      (setq cfm--method (concat (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
                                                " "
                                                (if (and (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
                                                    (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
                      (if (eq major-mode 'c2j-mode)
                          (setq cfm--method--debugging cfm--method))
                      ;;(debug 123)
                      ;;(setq cfm--method (substring cfm--method 0 3))
                      ;;(message (format "Smegulator cfm--method=%s" cfm--method))
                      ;;(sit-for 5)
                      (let ((d-message-on t))
                        (set-buffer b)
                        ;;(set-buffer d-speedbar--buf-name)
                        (goto-char (point-min))
                        (if (not (re-search-forward cfm--method nil t))
                            (sit-and-message 1 (format "smeg 3 not found cfm--method=%s" cfm--method))
                          (put-text-property (point-at-bol)
                                             ;;(+ (point-at-bol) 3)
                        (setq p (point))
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'dired-mode)
                  (setq line (d-current-line-as-string))
                  (when (string-match " \\([-+$a-zA-Z0-9_.]*\\)$" line)
                    (setq cfm--method (concat "^" (regexp-quote (substring line (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))) "/?$"))
                    ;;(message "line=%s" line)
                    (set-buffer b)
                    ;;(set-buffer d-speedbar--buf-name)
                    (goto-char (point-min))
                    (if (not (re-search-forward cfm--method nil t))
                        t ;;(message "smeg 4 cfm--method=%s" cfm--method)
                      (put-text-property (point-at-bol)
                    (setq p (point))
                  (when (string-match " \\([-+$a-zA-Z0-9_.]*\\) -> [-+$a-zA-Z0-9_.]*" line)
                    (setq cfm--method (concat "^" (regexp-quote (substring line (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))) "/?"))
                    (set-buffer b)
                    (goto-char (point-min))
                    (if (re-search-forward cfm--method nil t)
                        (put-text-property (point-at-bol)
                    (setq p (point))
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'makefile-mode)
                  (setq line (d-current-line-as-string))
                  ;;(setq line "%.exe: %.o")
                  ;;(message "line=%s" line)
                  (if (not (string-match "^\\(%\\.[a-z+]+: %\\.[a-z+]+.*\\|[-a-z0-9+]+:.*\\)[ \t]*$" line))
                      t;;(message "(not (string-match \"%%\\\\.[a-z+]+: %%\\\\.[a-z+]+\"))")
                    (setq cfm--method (concat "^" (substring line
                                                             (match-beginning 1)
                                                             (match-end 1)) "[ \t]*$"))
                    (setq d-doggy cfm--method)
                    (set-buffer b)
                    (goto-char (point-min))
                    (if (not (re-search-forward cfm--method nil t))
                        t;;(message "smeg 5 cfm--method=%s" cfm--method)
                      (put-text-property (point-at-bol)
                    (setq p (point))
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------
                 ))) ;; END PROGN!
          ;;(d-debug "Michael Jackson: Pretty Young Thing")
          (when (or (not (string= d-old-method cfm--method)) d-all-smegs)
                  ;;(message "*** after if")
                  (setq old-win (selected-window))
                  (when d-window-size
                    ;;(message "*** d-window-size=%s" d-window-size)
                    (d-assert d-window-size)
                    (d-assert (integerp d-window-size))
                    (when (or (not w) (not (windowp w)) (not (window-live-p w)))
                      (when (and d-window-size
                                 (not (eq major-mode 'minibuffer-inactive-mode))
                                 (not (eq major-mode 'electric-buffer-menu-mode)))
                        ;;(message "foo0")
                         ((fboundp 'split-window-right)
                          ;;(message "foo1")
                          (setq w (split-window-right (- d-window-size))))
                         ((fboundp 'split-window-horizontally)
                          ;;(message "foo2")
                          (setq w (split-window-horizontally (- d-window-size)))
                        ;;(message "foo3")
                        (setf (nth 2 a) w))
                      ;;(message "foo4")
                  (if (not p) (d-debug "(p is nil)"))
                  (if (not w) (d-debug "(w is nil)"))
                  (if (not (windowp w)) (d-debug "(not windowp w)"))
                  (when (window-live-p w)
                    (select-window w)
                    ;;(set-window-point (selected-window) p)
                    ;;(message "Zip Zap! p=%s" p)
                    (set-buffer (window-buffer))
                    (goto-char p)
                    (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
                    ;;(d-debug "Rock the boat")
              (select-window old-win)) ;; END UNWIND-PROTECT!
          ;;(message "Widened from inside d-speedbar--set--set-current")
          (setq d-old-method cfm--method)
          ) ;; END UNWIND-PROTECT!
        ))) ;; END LET!
  ;; (message "Error in d-speedbar--set--set-current %s" err)))

(setq d-kkk nil)
;; (setq d-all-smegs t)
;; (setq d-all-smegs nil)

(defun d-speedbar--widen ()
  ;;(message "Widened from inside d-speedbar--widen")

;; (d-speedbar--set--set-current)
;; (d-speedbar--set--delete-all)
(defun d-speedbar--turn-on-timers ()
  (setq d-speedbar--timer-2 (run-with-idle-timer 2   t 'd-speedbar--set--delete-all))
  (setq d-speedbar--timer-3 (run-with-idle-timer 2.2 t 'd-speedbar--set--set-current))

(when (or (not (boundp 'd-speedbar--timer-2)) (not (boundp 'd-speedbar--timer-3))
          (and (not (timerp d-speedbar--timer-2)) (not (timerp d-speedbar--timer-3))))

(defun d-speedbar--turn-off-timers ()
    ;;(cancel-timer d-speedbar--timer-1)
    (cancel-timer d-speedbar--timer-2)
    (cancel-timer d-speedbar--timer-3)
    ;;(cancel-timer d-speedbar--timer-4)

(defun d-speedbar--get-compilation-strobes ()
      (let (list)
          (goto-char (point-min))
          (setq list nil)
          (while (re-search-forward "^\\*\\*\\*\\* STROBE=\"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\"" (point-at-eol) t)
            (setq list (cons (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
          (setq list (mapcar 'regexp-quote list))
          (setq list (nreverse list))

(defun d-speedbar--get-namespace ()
  "Temporarily sets the current buffer to b"
  (let (b namespace)
      (setq b (nth 1 (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence)))
      (when (or (not b) (not (stringp b)))
        (setq b (d-speedbar--get-latest-speedbar-buffer))
        (generate-new-buffer b))
      (set-buffer b)
      (if (re-search-backward "^namespace \\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*\\)$" nil t)
          (setq namespace (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))

(defun d-speedbar--get-class ()
  "Temporarily sets the current buffer to b"
  (let (b class)
      (setq b (nth 1 (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence)))
      (when (or (not b) (not (stringp b)))
        (setq b (d-speedbar--get-latest-speedbar-buffer))
        (generate-new-buffer b))
      (set-buffer b)
      (if (re-search-backward "^class \\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*\\)[ \t\r\n]" nil t)
          (setq class (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))

(defun d-speedbar--goto-method ()
    (let (f name args line old-point done old-buf new-buf
            new-win count str namespace class start end b name decl
            goto looking-at goto-name goto-decl case-fold-search
      ;;(sit-and-message 5 "d-speedbar--goto-method")
      (setq b (nth 1 (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence)))
      (when (or (not b) (not (stringp b)))
        (setq b (d-speedbar--get-latest-speedbar-buffer))
        (generate-new-buffer b))
      (if (string= (buffer-name (current-buffer)) (buffer-name (get-buffer b)))
                (setq old-buf (d-speedbar--get-old-buffer))
                (set-buffer b)
                (read-only-mode -1)
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'dired-mode)
                  (setq f (concat default-directory "/" (d-current-line-as-string)))
                  (other-window 1)
                    (d-find-file f))
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'jtw-mode)
                 ;; --------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'java-mode)
                 ;; ---------------------------------------------------- ---------
                 ((or (eq *major-mode* 'c-mode)
                      (eq *major-mode* 'c++-mode)
                      (eq *major-mode* 'lisp++-mode))
                 ;; --------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'emacs-lisp-mode)
                  (when (looking-at "\\(^[-a-zA-Z0-9_+<>/=:!*]*\\)[ \t]*\\(([^()]*)\\)?")
                    (setq name (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
                    (setq args (if (and (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
                                   (buffer-substring-no-properties (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))
                    (other-window 1)
                    (goto-char (point-min))
                    (re-search-forward (concat "(\\(d-defmacro\\|defun\\|defmacro\\|defadvice\\)[ \t\r\n]*" (regexp-quote name) "[ \t]+" (regexp-quote args)))
                 ;; --------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'makefile-mode)
                  ;;(looking-at "^\\([a-zA-Z0-9_+<>/=:- .%]+\\)[ \t]*$")
                  (when (looking-at "^\\(%\\.[a-z+]+: %\\.[a-z+]+.*\\|[-a-z0-9+]+:.*\\)[ \t]*$")
                    (setq name (concat "^" (regexp-quote (buffer-substring-no-properties
                                                          (match-beginning 1)
                                                          (match-end 1)))
                                       "[ \t]*$"))
                    (other-window 1)
                    (goto-char (point-min))
                    (while (re-search-forward name nil t)
                 ;; ------------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'compilation-mode)
                  (let (count c done)
                    (when (looking-at "^\\*\\*\\*\\* STROBE=\"[a-zA-Z0-9]*\"")
                      (setq line (concat "^[ \t]*" (regexp-quote (d-trim-string (d-current-line-as-string)))))
                      (d-quote progn
                               (setq p (point))
                                 (goto-char (point-min))
                                 (setq count 0)
                                 (while (and (re-search-forward line nil t) (< (point) p))
                                   (incf count)))
                               (message "count=%d" count)
                               (sit-for 5)
                      (other-window 1)
                      (goto-char (point-min))
                      (re-search-forward line nil t)
                       (setq c 0)
                       (setq done nil)
                       (while (and (< c count) (not done))
                         (if (re-search-forward line nil t)
                             (incf c)
                           (setq done t)))
                       (message "c=%d" c)
                       (sit-for 5)
                 ;; ----------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'c2j-mode)
                  (when (looking-at "^[ \t]*[0-9]+ strobe \"[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\";")
                    (setq line (concat "^[ \t]*" (regexp-quote (d-trim-string (d-current-line-as-string)))))
                    (other-window 1)
                    (goto-char (point-min))
                    (if (not (re-search-forward line nil t))
                        (message "smeg 8 line=%s" line))
                  (when (and (looking-at "^[ \t]*[0-9]+ [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*[^\"]")
                             (not (looking-at "^[ \t]*[0-9]+ strobe \"[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\";")))
                    (setq line (concat "^[ \t]*[0-9]+ label function_" (regexp-quote (substring (d-trim-string (d-current-line-as-string)) 5))))
                    (other-window 1)
                    (goto-char (point-min))
                    (if (not (re-search-forward line nil t))
                        (message "smeg 9 line=%s" line))
                 ;; --------------------------------------------------
                 ((eq *major-mode* 'php-mode)
                  (setq line (d-current-line-as-string))
                  (other-window 1)
                  (goto-char (point-min))
                  (if (not (re-search-forward (concat "^[ \t]*function[ \t]*" (regexp-quote line)) nil t))
                      (d-beeps "smeg 10 line=%s" line))
                  ;;(message "line=%s" (regexp-quote line))
                  ;; ;;(setq d-message-on t)
                  ;;(message "* Pressed enter on php-mode speedbar")
                  ;;(debug "banana line=%s" line)
                 ;; --------------------------------------------------
              (set-buffer b)
              ;;(read-only-mode 1)
              (set-buffer old-buf)

(defadvice d-compilation-finish-function (after d-speedbar activate)

(defadvice d-dired-advertised-find-file (after d-speedbar activate)

(defadvice d-find-file (around d-speedbar activate)
    (if (string-match d-speedbar--regexp-name (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
    ;;(run-with-timer 2.0 nil 'd-speedbar)

(defadvice find-file (after d-speedbar activate)

(when prefs-davins-keybindings-online-p
  (global-set-key [f1] 'info)

(defadvice info (before d-speedbar activate)

(when prefs-davins-keybindings-online-p
  (global-set-key [f2] 'd-f2)

(defadvice d-f2 (after d-speedbar activate)

(when prefs-davins-keybindings-online-p
  (global-set-key [f3] 'd-f3)

(defadvice d-f3 (after d-speedbar activate)

(when prefs-davins-keybindings-online-p
  (global-set-key [f4] 'd-f4)

(defadvice d-f4 (after d-speedbar activate)
  (if (fboundp 'd-speedbar-new)
    (if (fboundp 'd-speedbar)

(defadvice d-super-f3 (around d-speedbar activate)
    (run-with-timer 10.0 nil 'd-speedbar)))

(defadvice d-f9 (around d-speedbar activate)

(defadvice d-shift-f9 (around d-speedbar activate)

(when prefs-davins-keybindings-online-p
  (global-set-key "\C-ha" 'apropos)

(defadvice apropos (around d-speedbar activate)
  (let ((w (nth 2 (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence))))
    (when (window-live-p w)
      (select-window w)
      (other-window 1)
    (switch-to-buffer "*Apropos*")

(defadvice describe-function (around d-speedbar activate)
  (let ((w (nth 2 (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence))))
    (if (> (count-windows) 1)
    (d-quote when (window-live-p w)
             (select-window w)
             (other-window 1)
    (switch-to-buffer "*Help*")

(defadvice describe-variable (around d-speedbar activate)
  (let ((w (nth 2 (assq (selected-frame) d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence))))
    (when (window-live-p w)
      (select-window w)
      (other-window 1)
    (switch-to-buffer "*Help*")

(defadvice occur (around d-speedbar activate)
  (switch-to-buffer "*Occur*")

(defadvice grep (before d-speedbar activate)
  (let ((d nil))
    ;;(setq d default-directory)
    (switch-to-buffer "*grep*")
    ;;(setq default-directory d)

(defadvice compile (before d-speedbar activate)
  (let ((d nil))
    ;;(setq d default-directory)
    (when (get-buffer "*compilation*")
      (switch-to-buffer "*compilation*"))
    ;;(setq default-directory d)

(when prefs-davins-keybindings-online-p
  (global-set-key "\C-hf" 'describe-function)

(defadvice Info-exit (after d-speedbar activate)

(when prefs-davins-keybindings-online-p
  ;;(global-set-key "\C-hv" 'describe-variable-outer)
  (global-set-key "\M-$" 'ispell-word-outer)

;; wristwatch
(defun ispell-word-outer ()
  (let ((mode major-mode))
    (call-interactively 'ispell-word)
    (funcall mode))

(defun ispell-highlight-spelling-error-overlay (&rest args)
  "Prevents ispell highlight bug"

(defadvice calendar (around d-speedbar activate)

(when prefs-davins-keybindings-online-p
  ;;(global-set-key [(kp-enter)] 'd-speedbar--print-idle-list)

(defun d-speedbar--print-idle-list ()
  (message (prin1-to-string (describe-variable 'timer-idle-list))))

(setq-default Buffer-menu-use-frame-buffer-list t)

(defadvice compile-goto-error (around d-speedbar activate)
  (read-only-mode -1)
  (run-with-timer 0.01 nil 'd-speedbar)

(defadvice other-window (around d-speedbar activate)
  (setq d-old-method nil)

(defadvice find-tag (around d-speedbar activate)

(setq d-foo nil)

(defadvice d-shift-f2 (around d-speedbar activate)
    (let* ((list (buffer-list))
           (ptr  list))
      (while ptr
        (when (and (not (string-match "^ \\*" (buffer-name (car ptr))))
                   (not (string-match "^\\*"  (buffer-name (car ptr)))))
          (setq d-foo t)
          (switch-to-buffer (car ptr))
          (setq d-foo nil)
          (setq ptr nil))
        (setq ptr (cdr ptr))))))

(defadvice switch-to-buffer (around d-speedbar activate)
  (when (not d-foo)

(defadvice d-comp-enter (around d-speedbar activate)

(defadvice d-kill-buffer (around d-speedbar activate)
                 (if (string-match d-speedbar--regexp-name
                                   (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
                     (kill-buffer nil))
                 ;;(d-beeps "hello")
                 ;;(setq d-old-method nil)

(defadvice kill-buffer (around d-speedbar activate)
    (if (string-match d-speedbar--regexp-name (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
        (kill-buffer nil))

(defun kp-enter ()
  (find-file "~/bat")
  (goto-char (point-max))
  (read-only-mode -1)
  (insert (format "major-mode=%s foo=%s\n" major-mode (if (boundp 'foo) foo)))
  (insert "456\n")

(when prefs-davins-keybindings-online-p
  (global-set-key [(kp-enter)] 'kp-enter)

(add-hook 'electric-buffer-menu-mode-hook 'd-speedbar-electric-hook)

(defun d-speedbar-electric-hook ()
  (define-key electric-buffer-menu-mode-map [kp-enter] 'kp-enter)

(defun d-speedbar--query-replace ()
  (setq from-string (read-from-minibuffer "Replace: " nil nil nil 'query-replace-history))
  (setq dest-string (read-from-minibuffer "With: "    nil nil nil 'query-replace-history))
  (query-replace from-string dest-string nil (point-min) (point-max))
  ;;(call-interactively 'query-replace)
  ;;(query-replace from-string dest-string nil nil nil)
  ;;(read-from-minibuffer prompt &optional initial-contents keymap read hist default-value inherit-input-method)

(when prefs-davins-keybindings-online-p
  ;;(global-set-key "\M-%" 'd-speedbar--query-replace)
  (global-set-key "\M-%" 'query-replace)

(d-quote defadvice describe-text-properties (around d-speedbar activate)

(defadvice describe-mode (around d-speedbar activate)

(defadvice list-faces-display (around d-speedbar activate)

(d-quote advice-add 'describe-mode :around
         #'(lambda (&optional buffer)
             (delete-other-windows (describe-mode buffer))))

(defadvice execute-extended-command (around d-speedbar activate)

(defadvice push-button (around d-speedbar activate)
  (if (> (count-windows) 1)

(defadvice describe-syntax (around d-speedbar activate)
  (if (> (count-windows) 1)

  (defvar d-speedbar-map (make-keymap))
  ;; DONE: added space to names format-name and regexp-name
  (defvar d-speedbar--format-name " *d-%d*")
  (defvar d-speedbar--regexp-name "^ \\*d-\\([0-9]+\\)\\*$")
  (kill-local-variable 'd-frame--buffer-window-correspondence)
  (defvar d-frame--buffer-window-correspondence
    (cons (list (selected-frame) "*d-0*" (selected-window)) nil))
  (kill-local-variable 'd-old-method)
  (defvar d-old-method nil)
  (kill-local-variable 'd-all-smegs)
  (defvar d-all-smegs  t)
  (kill-local-variable 'cfm--method)
  (defvar cfm--method nil)
  ;;(generate-new-buffer (d-speedbar--get-latest-speedbar-buffer))

;; (/ (d-what-line) 50)
(provide 'd-speedbar)
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