Hello my name is Davin Pearson, my friends call
me The Nutty Professor and I was born and bred in
the brilliant place that is
New Zealand
Click on the image above to see more of my ugly mug!
This is my Website in which I present to you everything
of substance that I have ever done, including my
commitment to
Richard Stallman
and the ideas of the
Free Software Movement
and specifically the
GNU Project.
GNU Emacs is the flagship product of the GNU Project and is a
religion in itself.
I have published a book entitled
The GNU Java Training Wheels programming language for
making it easier to learn Java
When I am on my beloved computer I
listening to music of
all genres
When I am not on my computer I enjoy
reading literature of all genres
Enjoy browsing my Website! Sincerely and kindest regards,

Davin Max Pearson,
New Zealand
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