Under the premise that fact is stranger and funnier than any
fictional work, this book presents a stream-of-consciousness
slice of life in the true story of Davin Pearson’s life.
The jokes contained within represent the taking place of true
events. To protect the identities of the people in the book
all of their names except mine have been changed. There are
66 pages in the book and file size of the book is 347 KB.
This book is saved in the P.D.F. format and require
Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view the file. If you don't
already have the plugin, click on the icon on the right
to visit Adobe’s Website to get it.
My mother enjoyed reading my book, saying that it grew on her.
My sister also enjoyed reading my book.
Philip Catton of the
University of
Canterbury Philosophy Department said: ‘‘I am touched by
your book.’’ If you have a good review of my book to offer me,
please email me.