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#include "../noio/io.hh" /* for ASSERT, assert, cout, cerr */

// ITERATOR MACROS: #define for_list(X,cursor,mylist) for (Node<X>* cursor=(mylist)->get_first(); cursor != null; cursor=cursor->get_next()) #define for_list_const(X,cursor,mylist) for (const Node<X>* cursor=(mylist)->get_first_const(); cursor != null; cursor=cursor->get_next_const()) #define for_list_backwards(X,cursor,mylist) for (Node<X>* cursor=(mylist)->get_last(); cursor != null; cursor=cursor->get_previous()) #define for_list_backwards_const(X,cursor,mylist) for (const Node<X>* cursor=(mylist)->get_last_const(); cursor != null; cursor=cursor->get_previous_const())
// LIST CLASS: template<class X> class Node; template<class X> class List { friend class Node<X>; private: /// /// Member variable private_first is first so it has zero /// offset. This allows an optimisation to be made. /// ----------------------------------------------------- /// Member variables are set in this order, which allows /// an optimisation to be made. /// Node<X>* private_first; Node<X>* private_last; int private_length; bool private_dirty; // DISALLOW PASSING AND RETURNING BY VALUE: /// DISALLOWED: copying of lists, since it is inefficient. /// This prevents (among other things) passing of lists by /// value and returning them by value. /// private: List(const List&); List& operator = (const List&); // CONSTRUCTORS AND DESTUCTORS: public: List() { private_first = null; private_last = null; private_length = 0; private_dirty = false; } /// /// Deletes the Nodes of linked list in O(n) time. The /// result is an empty list. /// void delete_shallow() { if (this == null) { return; } /// /// Yehar -O3 optimisation determines that the following /// assertion will never fail, therefore it can be safetly /// commented out... /// assert(this != null); Node<X>* n_next; for (Node<X>* n = private_first; n != null; n=n_next) { n_next = n->private_next; delete n; } /* ADJUST LENGTH: */ private_length = 0; /// /// NOT NEEDED: since done internally by delete n /// /// private_first = null; /// private_last = null; /* MUTATOR ANNOUNCMENT: */ private_dirty = true; //cout << "*** END delete_shallow\n"; } /// Deletes the Nodes and Xs of a linked list in O(n) /// time. The result is an empty list. /// void delete_deep() { if (this == null) { return; } assert(this != null); Node<X>* n_next; for (Node<X>* n = private_first; n != null; n=n_next) { n_next = n->private_next; delete n->private_data; delete n; } /* ADJUST LENGTH: */ private_length = 0; /// /// NOT NEEDED: since done internally by delete n /// private_first = null; /// private_last = null; /* MUTATOR ANNOUNCMENT: */ private_dirty = true; } /// /// LIST DESTRUCTOR: Internally calls delete_shallow. The result is /// an empty list. Destructor is virtual in case someone inherits /// from this class. /// virtual ~List() { delete_shallow(); } // LIST GETTERS: Take O(1) time. Node<X>* get_first() { ASSERT(this != null); private_dirty = true; return private_first; } Node<X>* get_last() { ASSERT(this != null); private_dirty = true; return private_last; } const Node<X>* get_first_const() const { ASSERT(this != null); return private_first; } const Node<X>* get_last_const() const { ASSERT(this != null); return private_last; } /// /// Returns the length of the list /// int get_length() const { ASSERT(this != null); return private_length; } // DIRTY METHODS: Take O(1) time. /// /// Returns the private_dirty property /// bool get_dirty() const { ASSERT(this != null); return private_dirty; } /// /// Clears the private_dirty property /// void clear_dirty() { ASSERT(this != null); private_dirty = false; } // LIST ADDERS: Take O(1) time. /// /// Adds a node onto the start of the list /// void add_to_start(X* x) { // NOTE: x could be null. ASSERT(this != null); Node<X>* n = new Node<X>(); n->private_data = x; n->private_next = private_first; n->private_previous = null; n->private_owner = this; /* SYNC ADJACENTS: */ if (private_first != null) { private_first->private_previous = n; } /* SYNC FIRST AND LAST POINTERS: */ private_first = n; if (private_last == null) { private_last = n; } /* ADJUST LENGTH: */ private_length++; /* MUTATOR ANNOUNCMENT: */ private_dirty = true; } /// /// Adds a node onto the end of the list. /// void add_to_end(X* x) { // NOTE: x could be null. ASSERT(this != null); Node<X>* n = new Node<X>(); n->private_data = x; n->private_next = null; n->private_previous = private_last; n->private_owner = this; /* SYNC ADJACENTS: */ if (private_last != null) { private_last->private_next = n; } /* SYNC FIRST AND LAST POINTERS: */ if (private_first == null) { private_first = n; } private_last = n; /* ADJUST LENGTH: */ private_length++; /* MUTATOR ANNOUNCMENT: */ private_dirty = true; } // REVERSE: Takes O(n) time. /// /// Reverse reverses the list's order. /// void reverse() { ASSERT(this != null); /* SWAP NEXT AND PREVIOUS POINTERS: */ Node<X>* n_next = null; for (Node<X>* n = private_first; n != null; n=n_next) { n_next = n->get_next(); Node<X>* tmp = n->private_previous; n->private_previous = n->private_next; n->private_next = tmp; } /* SWAP FIRST AND LAST POINTERS: */ Node<X>* tmp = private_first; private_first = private_last; private_last = tmp; /* MUTATOR ANNOUNCMENT: */ private_dirty = true; } // NON ESSENTIAL ADDERS: /// /// Adds argument "list" onto the current list /// void add_list(List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(this != null); ASSERT(mylist != null); for_list (X,n,mylist) { add_to_end(n); } } /// /// Alias for add_to_end /// void add_element(X* x) { // NOTE: x could be null. ASSERT(this != null); add_to_end(x); } /// /// Eliminates get_data in client code. /// void add_element(Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(this != null); ASSERT(node != null); add_to_end(node->get_data()); } /// /// Eliminates get_data in client code /// void add_to_start(Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(this != null); ASSERT(node != null); add_to_start(node->get_data()); } /// /// Eliminates get_data in client code /// void add_to_end(Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(this != null); ASSERT(node != null); add_to_end(node->get_data()); } };
// NODE CLASS: template<class X> class Node { friend class List<X>; private: /// /// Member variables are set in this order, which allows an /// optimisation to be made. /// /// Member variable private_data is first so it has zero offset. /// This allows an optimisation to be made. /// X* private_data; Node* private_next; Node* private_previous; List<X>* private_owner; // DISALLOW PASSING AND RETURNING BY VALUE: private: /// /// DISALLOWED: copying of nodes. This prevents (among other /// things) passing of nodes by value and returning them by value. /// Node& operator = (const Node&); Node(const Node&); // CONSTRUCTORS AND DESTUCTORS: /// /// NODE CONSTRUCTOR IS private: The only way a node can be created /// is via a call to one of the following methods/functions: /// add_to_end, add_to_start, add_before_current, add_after_current, /// add_element, add_list, clone_shallow and clone_deep. /// private: Node() { constructor_worker(); } /// /// NODE DESTRUCTOR IS PUBLIC: Removes the given node from /// the list. Note that the private_data field is not /// deleted, since a data member could belong to multiple /// lists. /// public: ~Node() { destructor_worker(); } private: void constructor_worker() { ASSERT(this != null); private_data = null; private_next = null; private_previous = null; private_owner = null; } private: void destructor_worker() { if (this == null) { return; } /* SYNC ADJACENTS: */ if (private_next != null) { private_next->private_previous = private_previous; } if (private_previous != null) { private_previous->private_next = private_next; } ASSERT(private_owner != null); /* SYNC FIRST: */ if (private_owner->private_first == this) { private_owner->private_first = private_owner->private_first->private_next; } /* SYNC LAST: */ if (private_owner->private_last == this) { private_owner->private_last = private_owner->private_last->private_previous; } /* ADJUST LENGTH: */ private_owner->private_length--; /* MUTATOR ANNOUNCMENT: */ private_owner->private_dirty = true; /* SET ALL TO NULL: as node no longer belongs to any * linked list. */ { private_data = null; private_next = null; private_previous = null; private_owner = null; } } // NODE GETTERS: Take O(1) time. public: X* get_data() { ASSERT(this != null); ASSERT(private_owner != null); private_owner->private_dirty = true; return private_data; } void set_data(X* x) { ASSERT(this != null); ASSERT(private_owner != null); private_owner->private_dirty = true; private_data = x; } Node* get_next() { ASSERT(this != null); ASSERT(private_owner != null); private_owner->private_dirty = true; return private_next; } Node* get_previous() { ASSERT(this != null); ASSERT(private_owner != null); private_owner->private_dirty = true; return private_previous; } List<X>* get_owner() { ASSERT(this != null); ASSERT(private_owner != null); private_owner->private_dirty = true; return private_owner; } const X* get_data_const() const { ASSERT(this != null); return private_data; } const Node* get_next_const() const { ASSERT(this != null); return private_next; } const Node* get_previous_const() const { ASSERT(this != null); return private_previous; } const List<X>* get_owner_const() const { ASSERT(this != null); return private_owner; } // LIST ADDERS: Take O(1) time. void add_before_current(X* x) { // NOTE: x could be null. ASSERT(this != null); Node* n = new Node<X>(); n->private_data = x; n->private_next = this; n->private_previous = this->private_previous; n->private_owner = this->private_owner; /* SYNC ADJACENTS: */ if (n->private_next != null) { n->private_next->private_previous = n; } if (n->private_previous != null) { n->private_previous->private_next = n; } /* SYNC FIRST: */ if (n->private_owner->private_first == this) { n->private_owner->private_first = n; } /* ADJUST LENGTH: */ n->private_owner->private_length++; /* MUTATOR ANNOUNCMENT: */ private_owner->private_dirty = true; } void add_after_current(X* x) { // NOTE: x could be null. ASSERT(this != null); Node* n = new Node<X>(); n->private_data = x; n->private_next = this->private_next; n->private_previous = this; n->private_owner = this->private_owner; /* SYNC ADJACENTS: */ if (n->private_next != null) { n->private_next->private_previous = n; } if (n->private_previous != null) { n->private_previous->private_next = n; } /* SYNC LAST: */ if (n->private_owner->private_last == this) { n->private_owner->private_last = n; } /* ADJUST LENGTH: */ n->private_owner->private_length++; /* MUTATOR ANNOUNCMENT: */ private_owner->private_dirty = true; } // NON-ESSENTIAL ADDERS: Take O(1) time. /// /// Eliminates get_data in client code /// void add_after_current(Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(this != null); ASSERT(node != null); add_after_current(node->get_data()); } /// /// Eliminates get_data in client code /// void add_before_current(Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(this != null); ASSERT(node != null); add_before_current(node->get_data()); } };
// LIST_EXTRA CLASS: /// The reason for using a macro here is so that more debug /// information is presented than if an inline function was /// used... #define LIST_HH_CHECK_FOR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE() \ ASSERT_INFO((index >= 0) && (index < mylist->get_length()), \ (string() + "List index out of bounds (0.." + (mylist->get_length()-1) + ") index=" + index)) \ template<class X> class List_Extra { private: List_Extra& operator = (List_Extra&); List_Extra(const List_Extra&); public: // GET_INDEX / ELEMENT_AT FUNCIONS: /// /// Returns the index of a given node. Takes O(n) time. Note that /// indicies start from zero, like C & Java arrays. /// friend int get_index(const Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(node != null); const List<X>* mylist = node->get_owner_const(); ASSERT(mylist != null); int count = 0; for_list_const (X,n,mylist) { if (n == node) { return count; } count++; } cout << "\n*** This line should never get executed.\n"; ASSERT(false); } /// /// FUNCTION: get_element_at is the inverse of get_index. /// /// Examples: /// /// get_element_at(n->get_owner(),get_index(n))==n. /// /// get_index(get_element_at(mylist,i))==i /// /// Takes O(n) time. Note that indicies start from zero, like C & /// Java arrays. /// friend Node<X>* get_element_at(List<X>* mylist, int index) { ASSERT(mylist != null); LIST_HH_CHECK_FOR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE(); if (index <= mylist->get_length() / 2) { // COUNT FORWARDS FROM FIRST: int count=0; for_list (X,n,mylist) { if (count == index) { ASSERT(mylist->get_dirty() == true); return n; } count++; } } else { // COUNT BACKWARDS FROM LAST: int count = mylist->get_length()-1; for_list_backwards (X,n,mylist) { if (count == index) { return n; } count--; } } cout << "\n*** This line should never get executed.\n"; ASSERT(false); } friend const Node<X>* get_element_at_const(const List<X>* mylist, int index) { ASSERT(mylist != null); LIST_HH_CHECK_FOR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE(); if (index <= mylist->get_length() / 2) { // COUNT FORWARDS FROM FIRST: int count=0; for_list_const (X,n,mylist) { if (count == index) { return n; } count++; } } else { // COUNT BACKWARDS FROM LAST:: int count = mylist->get_length()-1; for_list_backwards_const (X,n,mylist) { if (count == index) { return n; } count--; } } cout << "\n*** this line should never get executed\n"; ASSERT(false); //return null; } friend void set_element_at(List<X>* mylist, int index, X* x) { // NOTE: x could be null. ASSERT(mylist != null); LIST_HH_CHECK_FOR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE(); get_element_at(mylist,index)->set_data(x); } /* Eliminates get_data in client code. */ friend void set_element_at(List<X>* mylist, int index, Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(mylist != null); ASSERT(node != null); LIST_HH_CHECK_FOR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE(); set_element_at(mylist, index, node->get_data()); } // FIND FUNCTIONS: /// /// Takes O(n) time /// friend Node<X>* find_element_eq(Node<X>* start, const X* element) { // NOTE: start could be null. for (Node<X>* n = start; n != null; n = n->get_next()) { if (n->get_data() == element) { return n; } } return null; } /// /// Takes O(n) time /// friend const Node<X>* find_element_eq_const(const Node<X>* start, const X* element) { // NOTE: start could be null. for (const Node<X>* n = start; n != null; n = n->get_next_const()) { if (n->get_data_const() == element) { return n; } } return null; } // CLONE FUNCTION: /// /// Takes O(n) time /// friend List<X>* clone_shallow(List<X>* mylist) { List<X>* result = new List<X>; for_list (X,n,mylist) { X* x = n->get_data(); result->add_to_end(x); } return result; } // DELETE_DUPLICATES_EQ FUNCTION: /// /// Removes duplicates from a list in the sense of operator == /// (const X*, const X*). Takes O(n^2) time. /// friend void delete_duplicates_eq(List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); for_list (X, n1, mylist) { for_list (X, n2, mylist) { if (n1 < n2) { if (n1->get_data() != null) { if (n1->get_data() == n2->get_data()) { n2->set_data(null); } } } } } Node<X>* n_next; for (Node<X>* n = mylist->get_first(); n != null; n=n_next) { n_next = n->get_next(); if (n->get_data() == null) { delete n; } } }
// QUICKSORT: friend void quicksort(List<X>* mylist, bool (*is_less_than)(const X* x1, const X* x2)) { //PRINT(input_list->get_length()); if (mylist->get_length() < 2) { return; } X* mid = get_element_at(mylist,mylist->get_length() / 2)->get_data(); List<X>* smaller_than = new List<X>(); List<X>* equal_to = new List<X>(); List<X>* greater_than = new List<X>(); { /// /// build sub lists /// for_list (X, n, mylist) { X* t = n->get_data(); if (is_less_than(t, mid)) { smaller_than->add_element(t); } else if (is_less_than(mid,t)) { greater_than->add_element(t); } else { assert(!is_less_than(t,mid)); assert(!is_less_than(mid,t)); equal_to->add_element(t); } } mylist->delete_shallow(); } { /// /// Recursive call /// if (smaller_than->get_length() > 1) { quicksort(smaller_than, is_less_than); } if (greater_than->get_length() > 1) { quicksort(greater_than, is_less_than); } } { /// /// Merge lists /// for_list (X,n,smaller_than) { mylist->add_element(n); } delete smaller_than; for_list (X,n,equal_to) { mylist->add_element(n); } delete equal_to; for_list (X,n,greater_than) { mylist->add_element(n); } delete greater_than; } } // NON-ESSENTIAL LIST FUNCTIONS: Take O(1) time. friend bool is_empty(const List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); return mylist->get_length() == 0; } // ------------------------------------------- friend Node<X>* get_second(List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); ASSERT(mylist->get_length() >= 2); return mylist->get_first()->get_next(); //return get_element_at(mylist, 2); } friend Node<X>* get_third(List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); ASSERT(mylist->get_length() >= 3); return mylist->get_first()->get_next()->get_next(); //return get_element_at(mylist, 3); } friend const Node<X>* get_second_const(const List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); ASSERT(mylist->get_length() >= 2); return mylist->get_first_const()->get_next_const(); //return get_element_at_const(mylist, 2); } friend const Node<X>* get_third_const(const List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); ASSERT(mylist->get_length() >= 3); return mylist->get_first_const()->get_next_const()->get_next_const(); //return get_element_at_const(mylist, 3); } // ------------------------------------------- friend Node<X>* get_second_to_last(List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); ASSERT(mylist->get_length() >= 2); return mylist->get_last()->get_previous(); //return get_element_at(mylist, mylist->get_length() - 1 - 1); } friend Node<X>* get_third_to_last(List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); ASSERT(mylist->get_length() >= 3); return mylist->get_last()->get_previous()->get_previous(); //return get_element_at(mylist, mylist->get_length() - 1 - 2); } friend const Node<X>* get_second_to_last_const(const List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); ASSERT(mylist->get_length() >= 2); return mylist->get_last_const()->get_previous_const(); //return get_element_at_const(mylist, mylist->get_length() - 1 - 1); } friend const Node<X>* get_third_to_last_const(const List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); ASSERT(mylist->get_length() >= 3); return mylist->get_last_const()->get_previous_const()->get_previous_const(); //return get_element_at_const(mylist, mylist->get_length() - 1 - 2); } // NON-ESSENTIAL NODE FUNCTIONS: Take O(1) time. friend bool is_first(const Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(node != null); return node->get_previous_const() == null; } friend bool is_last(const Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(node != null); return node->get_next_const() == null; } friend Node<X>* get_cyclic_next(Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(node != null); if (node->get_next() != null) { ASSERT(node->get_owner()->get_dirty() == true); return node->get_next(); } else { ASSERT(node->get_owner()->get_dirty() == true); return node->get_owner()->get_first(); } } friend const Node<X>* get_cyclic_next_const(const Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(node != null); if (node->get_next_const() != null) { return node->get_next_const(); } else { return node->get_owner_const()->get_first_const(); } } friend Node<X>* get_cyclic_previous(Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(node != null); if (node->get_previous() != null) { ASSERT(node->get_owner()->get_dirty() == true); return node->get_previous(); } else { ASSERT(node->get_owner()->get_dirty() == true); return node->get_owner()->get_last(); } } friend const Node<X>* get_cyclic_previous_const(const Node<X>* node) { ASSERT(node != null); if (node->get_previous_const() != null) { return node->get_previous_const(); } else { return node->get_owner_const()->get_last_const(); } } };
// LIST_IO CLASS: class Reader; class Writer; /// /// This class assumes that const char* get_class_name(const List<T>*) /// has been defined. /// template<class X> class List_Io { private: List_Io& operator = (List_Io&); List_Io(const List_Io&); public: friend Writer& operator << (Writer& w, const Node<X>& node) { if (&node == null || node.get_data_const() == null) { w << "null"; } else { w << *node.get_data_const(); } return w; } friend Writer& operator << (Writer& w, const List<X>& mylist) { if (&mylist == null) { w << "null"; } else { w << '(' << get_class_name(&mylist); for_list_const (X,n,&mylist) { w << ' ' << *n; } w << ')'; } return w; } friend Reader& operator >> (Reader& r, List<X>& mylist) { ASSERT(&mylist != null); ASSERT(mylist.get_length() == 0); r >> '(' >> get_class_name(&mylist); while (!r.looking_at(')')) { if (r.looking_at("null")) { X* x = null; mylist.add_to_end(x); r >> "null"; } else { X* x = new X(); r >> *x; mylist.add_to_end(x); } } r >> ')'; return r; } // OK FUNCTION: /// /// Function needs to be in this class because it needs to /// call Writer& operator << (Writer&, const List&). /// /// This function would experience an infinite loop with a /// circular list, but there is no way to set private_next /// or private_previous from outside the List or Node /// classes and therefore there is no way a circular list /// could be created. /// friend void OK(const List<X>* mylist) { /// NOTE: mylist could be null if (mylist == null) { return; } string_buffer message; bool was_error = false; /// TEST 1! { if (mylist->get_first_const() == null) { // TEST NOT NEEDED AS WITH SHOW UP WITH LENGTH COMPARISION: //if (mylist->get_last_const() != null) { //message << "\n*** OK failed\n"; //message << "private_first == null && private_last != null\n"; //} } else { if (mylist->get_first_const()->get_previous_const() != null) { message << "\n*** OK failed\n"; message << "private_first->private_previous != null"; } } } /// TEST 2! { if (mylist->get_last_const() == null) { // TEST NOT NEEDED AS WITH SHOW UP WITH LENGTH COMPARISION: //if (mylist->get_first_const() != null) { //message << "\n*** OK failed\n"; //message << "private_last == null && private_first != null\n"; //} } else { if (mylist->get_last_const()->get_next_const() != null) { message << "\n*** OK failed\n"; message << "private_last->private_next != null"; } } } /// TEST 3! { const Node<X>* n = mylist->get_first_const(); if (n != null) { for (; n->get_next_const() != null; n=n->get_next_const()) { } if (n != mylist->get_last_const()) { message << "\n*** OK failed\n"; message << "Calculated last (" << *n << ") "; message << "does not agree with last element of list ("; message << *mylist->get_last_const() << ")"; was_error = true; } } } /// TEST 4! { const Node<X>* n = mylist->get_last_const(); if (n != null) { for (; n->get_previous_const() != null; n=n->get_previous_const()) { } if (n != mylist->get_first_const()) { message << "\n*** OK failed\n"; message << "Calculated first (" << *n << ") "; message << "does not agree with first element of list ("; message << *mylist->get_first_const() << ")"; was_error = true; } } } /// TEST 5! correct owner field { bool ok = true; for_list_const (X,n,mylist) { if (n->get_owner_const() != mylist) { ok = false; break; } } for_list_backwards_const (X,n,mylist) { if (n->get_owner_const() != mylist) { ok = false; break; } } if (!ok) { message << "\n*** OK failed\n"; message << "Some list element(s) do not have the correct owner field!"; was_error = true; } } /// TEST 6! correct length forward { int calculated_length_forward = 0; for_list_const (X,nn,mylist) { calculated_length_forward++; } if (calculated_length_forward != mylist->get_length()) { message << "\n*** OK failed\n"; message << "Calculated length forward (" << calculated_length_forward << ") "; message << "does not match list length (" << mylist->get_length() << ")"; was_error = true; } } /// TEST 7! correct length backward { int calculated_length_backward = 0; for_list_backwards_const (X,nn,mylist) { calculated_length_backward++; } if (calculated_length_backward != mylist->get_length()) { message << "\n*** OK failed\n"; message << "Calculated length backward (" << calculated_length_backward << ") "; message << "does not match list length (" << mylist->get_length() << ")"; was_error = true; } } if (was_error) { message << "\n\nHere is the list: " << *mylist << endl; } ASSERT_INFO(!was_error, message); } };
// LIST_OPERATOR_EE CLASS: /// /// This class should be instantiated only if operator /// == (const X&, const X&) has been defined. /// template<class X> class List_Operator_Ee { private: List_Operator_Ee& operator = (List_Operator_Ee&); List_Operator_Ee(const List_Operator_Ee&); // EQUALITY FUNCTIONS: public: /// /// A more readable alternative to operator == (const X&, /// const X&). /// /// BUGGER: can't be a friend function /// because this would conflict with other /// functions of the same name, unless we /// used a namespace /// static bool xs_equal(const X* x1, const X* x2) { if ((x1 == null) && (x2 == null)) { return true; } else if ((x1 == null) || (x2 == null)) { return false; } else { return *x1 == *x2; } } /// /// Compares list contents in the sense of operator == /// (const X&, constX&). Takes /// O(min(list1.get_length(),list2.get_length())) time. /// friend bool operator == (const List<X>& list1, const List<X>& list2) { if ((&list1 == null) && (&list2 == null)) { return true; } else if ((&list1 == null) || (&list2 == null)) { return false; } const Node<X>* n1 = list1.get_first_const(); const Node<X>* n2 = list2.get_first_const(); for ( ; ; ) { if ((n1 == null) && (n2 == null)) { return true; } if ((n1 == null) || (n2 == null)) { return false; } if (!xs_equal(n1->get_data_const(), n2->get_data_const())) { return false; } n1 = n1->get_next_const(); n2 = n2->get_next_const(); } return true; } friend bool operator != (const List<X>& list1, const List<X>& list2) { return !(list1 == list2); } /// /// More readable alternative to operator == (const List&, const /// List&) /// friend bool lists_equal(const List<X>* list1, const List<X>* list2) { return *list1 == *list2; } // FIND FUNCTIONS: /// /// Finds an element in the sense of operator == (const X&,const X&). /// /// Takes O(n) time. /// friend Node<X>* find_element_equal(Node<X>* start, const X& element) { // NOTE: start could be null. for (Node<X>* n = start; n != null; n = n->get_next()) { if (xs_equal(n->get_data(), &element)) { return n; } } return null; } friend const Node<X>* find_element_equal_const(const Node<X>* start, const X& element) { // NOTE: start could be null. for (const Node<X>* n = start; n != null; n = n->get_next_const()) { if (xs_equal(n->get_data_const(), &element)) { return n; } } return null; } // DELETE_DUPLICATES_EQUAL FUNCTION: /// /// Removes duplicates from a list in the sense of /// operator == (const X&, const X&). Takes O(n^2) /// time. /// friend void delete_duplicates_equal(List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); for_list (X, n1, mylist) { for_list (X, n2, mylist) { if (n1 < n2) { if (xs_equal(n1->get_data(), n2->get_data())) { n2->set_data(null); } } } } Node<X>* n_next; for (Node<X>* n = mylist->get_first(); n != null; n=n_next) { n_next = n->get_next(); if (n->get_data() == null) { delete n; } } } friend void delete_duplicates_equal_deep(List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); for_list (X, n1, mylist) { for_list (X, n2, mylist) { if (n1 < n2) { if (xs_equal(n1->get_data(), n2->get_data())) { delete n2->get_data(); n2->set_data(null); } } } } Node<X>* n_next; for (Node<X>* n = mylist->get_first(); n != null; n=n_next) { n_next = n->get_next(); if (n->get_data() == null) { delete n; } } } };
// LIST_CLONE CLASS: /// /// This class should be instantiated only if X* clone(X&) has /// been defined. If X(const X&) is been defined for the class X then /// it should have the same result as the clone() function. /// /// We don't use X(const X&) directly so that this /// method can be set as private to disallow passing /// and returning by value. /// template<class X> class List_Clone { friend void add_element_deep(List<X>* accumulator, const X* x) { ASSERT(accumulator != null); ASSERT(x != null); X* xx = clone(*x); accumulator->add_to_end(xx); } friend void add_list_deep(List<X>* accumulator, const List<X>* adder) { // NOTE: adder could ne null ASSERT(accumulator != null); if (adder != null) { for_list_const (X,n,adder) { add_element_deep(accumulator, n->get_data_const()); } } } /* Takes O(n) time. */ friend List<X>* clone_deep(const List<X>* mylist) { ASSERT(mylist != null); List<X>* result = new List<X>; add_list_deep(result, mylist); return result; } }; #endif /* ALREADY_INCLUDED_LIST_HH */
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