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     Splitting Java          Multiple Ctors       Religious Beliefs         Conversation 1           Conversation 2    
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  Memory Leaks II   Super Constructors CRUD Implementation Order a Website Form There Is An Afterlife
More Occam's Razor C to Java Translator Theory of Morality II



//#ifndef null
//#define null  (0)
//#endif /* null */

#include "../noallegro/my-allegro.hh"
#include "string.hh"

#ifndef PRINT
#define PRINT(x) \
do { cout << #x << " = " << (x) << endl; } while (false)
#endif /* PRINT */

#ifndef PRINT_LINE
#define PRINT_LINE(x) \
do { cout << "----------------------------------------\n"; } while (false)
#endif /* PRINT_LINE */

#ifndef TELL
#define TELL(x) \
do { cout << "* COMMAND: " << #x << endl; x; } while (false)
#endif /* TELL */

/* The following macro is used by the Allegro games library: */
#ifndef END_OF_MAIN
#define END_OF_MAIN
#endif /* END_OF_MAIN */

//using namespace std;          // bad form to import an entire namespace
//#define cerr  (std::cerr)
//#define cout  (std::cout)
//#define endl  (std::endl)
//#define ostream std::ostream

// STRINGS_EQUAL FUNCTION! inline bool strings_equal(const char* s1, const char* s2) { if ((s1 == null) && (s2 == null)) { return true; } else if ((s1 == null) || (s2 == null)) { return false; } else { return (0 == strcmp(s1,s2)); } }
// WRITER CLASS! ABSTRACT class Writer { public: virtual ~Writer() {} private: virtual void write(char ch) = null; virtual void write(int i) = null; virtual void write(double d) = null; virtual void write(const char* s) = null; virtual string get_file_name() = null; public: Writer& operator << (char ch) { this->write(ch); return *this; } Writer& operator << (int i) { this->write(i); return *this; } Writer& operator << (double d) { this->write(d); return *this; } Writer& operator << (const char* s) { this->write(s); return *this; } Writer& operator << (const string& s) { this->write(s.const_char_star()); return *this; } //Writer& operator << (long long mylong) };
// FILE_WRITER CLASS! class File_Writer : public Writer { private: FILE* f; bool ours_to_close; string file_name; public: File_Writer(string file_name) { this->f = fopen(file_name.const_char_star(),"wb"); ASSERT(f != null); this->ours_to_close = true; this->file_name = file_name; } File_Writer(FILE* f) { ASSERT(f != null); this->f = f; this->ours_to_close = false; this->file_name = "<FILE>"; } ~File_Writer() { if (ours_to_close) { fclose(f); } } public: File_Writer& operator << (char ch) { fprintf(this->f,"%c",ch); return *this; } File_Writer& operator << (int i) { fprintf(this->f,"%d",i); return *this; } File_Writer& operator << (double d) { fprintf(this->f,"%g",d); return *this; } File_Writer& operator << (const char* s) { fprintf(this->f,"%s",s); return *this; } File_Writer& operator << (const string& s) { *this << s.const_char_star(); return *this; } // EXTRA: string get_file_name() { return file_name; } private: virtual void write(char ch) { *this << ch; } virtual void write(int i) { *this << i; } virtual void write(double d) { *this << d; } virtual void write(const char* s) { *this << s; } };
// COUT CIN! extern File_Writer cout; extern File_Writer cerr; const char endl = '\n';
// STRING_BUFFER CLASS! /* * Class for efficient string building inspired by Java's * StringBuffer class. The class features efficient * appending to existing string_buffer object. */ class string_buffer : public string, public Writer { public: string_buffer() {} void set_char_at(int i, char ch); string_buffer& operator << (char ch); string_buffer& operator << (int i); string_buffer& operator << (double d); string_buffer& operator << (const char* s); string_buffer& operator << (const string& s) { *this << s.const_char_star(); return *this; } // EXTRA: string get_file_name() { return "<string_buffer>"; } private: virtual void write(char ch) { *this << ch; } virtual void write(int i) { *this << i; } virtual void write(double d) { *this << d; } virtual void write(const char* s) { *this << s; } };
// STRING_BUFFER2 CLASS! /* * Class for efficient string concatenation The purpose of * this class is to execute a clever trick that allows for * efficient string concatenation. */ class string_buffer2 : public string_buffer { private: string_buffer2() {} public: friend string_buffer2 operator + (const string& a, const string& b) { //cout << "** BEGIN string_buffer2 operator + (const string&, const string&)\n"; //PRINT(a); //PRINT(b); string_buffer2 result; result << a; result << b; //cout << "** END string_buffer2 operator + (const string&, const string&)\n"; return result; } friend string_buffer2 operator + (const string& a, const char ch) { string_buffer2 result; result << a; result << ch; return result; } friend string_buffer2 operator + (const string& a, const int i) { string_buffer2 result; result << a; result << i; return result; } friend string_buffer2 operator + (const string& a, const double d) { string_buffer2 result; result << a; result << d; return result; } friend string_buffer2 operator + (const string& a, const char* s) { string_buffer2 result; result << a; result << s; return result; } /// /// NOT ALLOWED: /// //friend string_buffer2 operator + (const char* s1, const char* s2) friend string_buffer2& operator + (const string_buffer2& csb, const string& s) { //cout << "** BEGIN string_buffer2& operator + (string_buffer2&, const string&)\n"; //PRINT(s); string_buffer2& sb = const_cast<string_buffer2&>(csb); sb << s; //cout << "** END string_buffer2& operator + (string_buffer2&, const string&)\n"; return sb; } friend string_buffer2& operator + (const string_buffer2& csb, char ch) { string_buffer2& sb = const_cast<string_buffer2&>(csb); sb << ch; return sb; } friend string_buffer2& operator + (const string_buffer2& csb, int i) { string_buffer2& sb = const_cast<string_buffer2&>(csb); sb << i; return sb; } friend string_buffer2& operator + (const string_buffer2& csb, double d) { string_buffer2& sb = const_cast<string_buffer2&>(csb); sb << d; return sb; } friend string_buffer2& operator + (const string_buffer2& csb, const char* s) { string_buffer2& sb = const_cast<string_buffer2&>(csb); sb << s; return sb; } };
// PACK_FILE_WRITER CLASS! // class Pack_File_Writer : public Writer // { // private: // PACKFILE* f; // bool ours_to_close; // string file_name; // public: // Pack_File_Writer(string file_name) // { // this->f = pack_fopen(file_name.const_char_star(),"wp"); // ASSERT(f != null); // this->ours_to_close = true; // this->file_name = file_name; // } // Pack_File_Writer(PACKFILE* f) // { // ASSERT(f != null); // this->f = f; // this->ours_to_close = false; // this->file_name = "<PACKFILE>"; // } // ~Pack_File_Writer() // { // if (ours_to_close) { // pack_fclose(f); // } // } // // public: // Pack_File_Writer& operator << (char ch) // { string_buffer sb; sb << ch; pack_fputs(sb.const_char_star(),f); return *this; } // Pack_File_Writer& operator << (int i) // { string_buffer sb; sb << i; pack_fputs(sb.const_char_star(),f); return *this; } // Pack_File_Writer& operator << (double d) // { string_buffer sb; sb << d; pack_fputs(sb.const_char_star(),f); return *this; } // Pack_File_Writer& operator << (const char* s) // { pack_fputs(s,f); return *this; } // Pack_File_Writer& operator << (const string& s) // { pack_fputs(s.const_char_star(),f); return *this; } // // // EXTRA: // string get_file_name() // { // return file_name; // } // // private: // virtual void write(char ch) { *this << ch; } // virtual void write(int i) { *this << i; } // virtual void write(double d) { *this << d; } // virtual void write(const char* s) { *this << s; } // }; //
// TO-string FUNCTION! template<class T> string to_string(const T* t) { string_buffer sb; if (t == null) { sb << "null"; } else { sb << *t; } return sb; }
// GULPER CLASS! ABSTRACT class Gulper { protected: string file_name; int file_line; int current_char; public: Gulper(string file_name) { this->file_name = file_name; this->file_line = 1; this->current_char = EOF; } virtual ~Gulper() { /* DO NOTHING! */ } string get_file_name() { return file_name; } int get_file_line() { return file_line; } int get_current_char() { return current_char; } virtual void gulp_char() = null; };
// FILE_GULPER CLASS! class File_Gulper : public Gulper { private: FILE* f; bool saw_line_end; public: File_Gulper(string file_name); ~File_Gulper() { fclose(f); } virtual void gulp_char(); };
// STRING_GULPER CLASS! class String_Gulper : public Gulper { private: string internal; int index; bool saw_line_end; public: String_Gulper(string internal); ~String_Gulper() { /* DO NOTHING! */ } virtual void gulp_char(); };
// READER_CORE CLASS! ABSTRACT class Reader_Core { private: enum Return_Values { Type_Char = 1, Type_Int, Type_Double, Type_Ident, Type_String, Type_Eof }; char last_char; int last_int; double last_double; string last_ident; string last_string; bool last_bool; Gulper* gulper; Return_Values current_type; void skip_whitespace(); int scan_int(); double scan_fraction(); string scan_identifier(); string scan_quoted_string(); void wrong_type(string tname); virtual void pure_virtual_not_used() = null; // NOTE: Ensures class is abstract public: bool currently_char() { return current_type == Type_Char; } bool currently_int() { return current_type == Type_Int; } bool currently_double() { return current_type == Type_Double; } bool currently_identifier() { return current_type == Type_Ident; } bool currently_string() { return current_type == Type_String; } bool currently_eof() { return current_type == Type_Eof; } char peek_char() { if (current_type != Type_Char) wrong_type("char"); return last_char; } int peek_int() { if (current_type != Type_Int) wrong_type("int"); return last_int; } double peek_double() { if (current_type != Type_Double) wrong_type("double"); return last_double; } string peek_identifier() { if (current_type != Type_Ident) wrong_type("identifier"); return last_ident; } string peek_string() { if (current_type != Type_String) wrong_type("string"); return last_string; } void next_token(); int get_file_line() { return gulper->get_file_line(); } string get_file_name() { return gulper->get_file_name(); } void error_and_halt(string s); string debug_say_symbol(); protected: Reader_Core(Gulper* gulper) { this->gulper = gulper; this->last_char = 0; this->last_int = 0; this->last_double = 0; this->last_ident = ""; this->last_string = ""; next_token(); } virtual ~Reader_Core() { delete gulper; } };
// READER CLASS! ABSTRACT class Reader : public Reader_Core { protected: Reader(Gulper* gulper) : Reader_Core(gulper) { /* DO NOTHING! */ } public: virtual ~Reader() { /* DO NOTHING! */ } public: /* PEEKING: */ bool looking_at(char ch) { if (ch != '(' && ch != ')' && ch != '\'') { const char* error_message = "Reader::looking_at must be given one of '(',')','\\''"; #ifdef ALLEGRO_MESSAGE_AND_EXIT ALLEGRO_MESSAGE_AND_EXIT((error_message)); #else printf(error_message); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); #endif } return (currently_char() && peek_char() == ch); } bool looking_at(string s) { return (currently_identifier() && peek_identifier().equals(s)); } /* READING LITERALS: */ friend Reader& operator >> (Reader& r, const char& ch); friend Reader& operator >> (Reader& r, const char* s); /* GULPING DATA: */ friend Reader& operator >> (Reader& r, char& ch); friend Reader& operator >> (Reader& r, int& i); friend Reader& operator >> (Reader& r, double& d); friend Reader& operator >> (Reader& r, string& s); string gulp_quoted_string(); };
// FILE_READER CLASS! class File_Reader : public Reader { public: File_Reader(string file_name) : Reader(new File_Gulper(file_name)) { /* DO NOTHING! */ } virtual void pure_virtual_not_used() { ASSERT(false); } };
// STRING_READER CLASS! class String_Reader : public Reader { public: String_Reader(string readme) : Reader(new String_Gulper(readme)) { /* DO NOTHING! */ } virtual void pure_virtual_not_used() { ASSERT(false); } }; #include "temp-blit.hh" #include "safe-allegro.hh" #endif /* ALREADY_INCLUDED_IO_HH */
| Main Menu | Research Projects | Photo Album | Curriculum Vitae | The Greatest Artists |
| Email Address | Computer Games | Web Design | Java Training Wheels | The Fly (A Story) |
| Political Activism | Scruff the Cat | My Life Story | Smoking Cessation | Other Links |
| Debugging Macros | String Class I | Linked List System I | Java for C Programmers | Naming Convention |
| String Class II | How I use m4 | Strings III | Symmetrical I/O | Linked Lists II |
| Run-Time Type Info | Virtual Methods | An Array System | Science & Religion | Submodes |
| Nested Packages | Memory Leaks | Garbage Collection | Internet & Poverty | What is Knowledge? |
| Limits of Evolution | Emacs Additions | Function Plotter | Romantic Love | The Next Big Thing |
| Science Fiction | Faster Compilation | Theory of Morality | Elisp Scoping | Elisp Advice |
| S.O.G.M. Pattern | Safe Properties | School Bullying | Charisma Control | Life and Death |
| Splitting Java | Multiple Ctors | Religious Beliefs | Conversation 1 | Conversation 2 |
| J.T.W. Language | Emacs Additions II | Build Counter | Relation Plotter | Lisp++ Language |
| Memory Leaks II | Super Constructors | CRUD Implementation | Order a Website Form | There Is An Afterlife |
| More Occam's Razor | C to Java Translator | Theory of Morality II
Last modified: Sun Sep 25 16:09:05 NZDT 2016
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