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Web design course tutorial 8 : a simple introduction to P.H.P.

This tutorial explains how P.H.P. can be used to create navigation menus at the top and bottom of every page in your Website. If your Website is large it is more efficient and practical to automate the process of generating navigation menus rather than to manually code them using H.T.M.L. code. For example when you add a new page to your Website using P.H.P. you only need to change two files compared with hundreds of H.T.M.L. files when you have a large Website. Recall from Section § 1.1 the following diagram showing how Emacs, Web pages, Ripway and Web browsers relate to one another.

The P.H.P. language changes the above to the following. Note that does not support P.H.P. so you need to use Ripway for this tutorial. doesn't. Note that files that end end with .php are Web pages that you can load into a Web browser. File ending with .inc are data files that are for use by .php files and cannot be directly loaded into a Web browser. Note that P.H.P. files are created by the Web server before they are loaded into a Web browser.

def in the folder abc, you need to name it like so in P.H.P.: abc-def.php. Note the use of prefixing to simulate multiple directories. This is a bit annoying if your Website has lots of pages, but I cannot see any way around it. If you can find a way around it, then please email me!

§ 8.1 Download the files for this tutorial

Question 8.1: Unzip the archive file tutorial-8.tar.gz using Winzip or the tar command for the purposes of completing this tutorial.

§ 8.2 Debugging hyperlinks

Question 8.2: Run Alt-x testlinks Enter on the folder tutorial-8 to verify that all of the links in that folder are valid.

§ 8.3 Create a Ripway account

Question 8.3: Open the following URL in a Web browser and click on the Sign Up button. Then fill in the form to create a Ripway account under your name.

§ 8.4 Upload your Website to Ripway

Question 8.4: Use the program FTP (Note that F.T.P. stands for File Transfer Protocol) to transfer all of the files in the folder tutorial-8 to your Ripway account. To do this you will need to follow the following steps:

  1. Open an MS-DOS command prompt
  2. Change directory to the tutorial-8 folder using the cd command.
  3. Start FTP by entering the command ftp
  4. Enter your Ripway user name and password that you created in the last question.
  5. Enable "Binary Transfer Mode" using the command binary (or bin for short). Binary transfer mode is essential for images to be transmitted successfully.
  6. Turn "Interactive Mode" to off using the command prompt (or pro for short).
  7. Transfer all files using the command mput *
  8. Wait for the files to be transmitted.
  9. Leave the FTP program running so you can upload files at a later time.
  10. Load your Website into a Web browser to make sure your Website has been transfered successfully.

When you have finished doing this, you should browse your Ripway Website to verify that all files (P.H.P. and image) have been uploaded successfully.

§ 8.5 Customise your Website

§ 8.5.1 Change H.T.M.L. code

Question 8.5: Change the Main Main Main  . . .  text in the "index" page to something more appropriate by editing the file index.php. Save the file by pressing F2, click on the FTP program and re-transfer the file using the FTP command put index.php. Then load index.php into a Web browser to check that your changes have been successfully made.

§ 8.5.2 About menu pages

For every P.H.P. page X.php we will define the menu page as follows:
  1. The menu page of index.php is
  2. The menu page of apple.php is
  3. The menu page of apple-banana.php is
  4. The menu page of apple-banana-carrot.php is
Generally speaking if n ≥ 2 then the menu page of F1-F2-F3-...-FN.php is We make this definition because if X.php is a page and is the menu page of X.php, then the code for the menu button for X.php is located in the file

§ 8.5.3 How to add a single page

  1. Let the name of the page that you want to add be denoted by FILE.php.
  2. Let the title of the page that you want to add be denoted by TITLE.
  3. Let denote the menu page of FILE.php.
  4. Create a page called FILE.php containing the following:
    $file = "FILE.php";
    $title = "TITLE";
    include "";
    include "";
    Your text for this page goes here
    include "";
  5. To the file add the following line: button("FILE.php","TITLE");.

Question 8.6: Add a new page carrot.php. To be able to access the page, add a call to the button function in the menu page Upload your changes using the FTP command put carrot.php and use a Web browser to check that the "Carrot" page has been added successfully.

Question 8.7: Add a curriculum vitae page called cv.php. Upload your changes using the FTP command mput cv.php and then check that your changes have been made successfully by browsing your Website in a Web browser.

§ 8.5.4 How to delete a single page

Note that you cannot remove the page index.php because for your Website to be viewable in a Web browser you must have at least this page!
  1. Let the file of the page that you want to delete be denoted by X.php.
  2. Delete the file X.php. This will remove the page from your Website.
  3. Let denote the menu page of X.php. In remove the line which says button("X.php",...). This will remove the X.php menu botton from every page of your Website.

Question 8.8: Delete the page banana.php. Upload your changes using the FTP commands delete banana.php and put and use a Web browser to check that the "Banana" page has been deleted successfully.

§ 8.5.5 Write some P.H.P. code

Question 8.9: Here are some questions concerning the use of P.H.P. variables:

Question 8.9a: Add the following code to index.php:

<h1>apple banana carrot</h1>

put index.php and look at the output in a Web browser.

Question 8.9b: Here is some P.H.P. code that generates the same output as above. Add the following code to index.php:

echo "<h1>apple banana carrot</h1>\n";

  1. P.H.P. code starts with <?php and ends with ?>
  2. The command echo writes H.T.M.L. code to the Web page,
  3. Semi-colons ; is needed at the end of every P.H.P. command
  4. Double quotes "  . . .  " denote a literal string
  5. The symbol \n denotes the carriage return character

put index.php and look at the output in a Web browser

Question 8.9c: Here is some P.H.P. code that generates the same output as above. Add the following code to index.php:

$x = "<h1>apple banana carrot</h1>\n";
echo "$x";

$ sign is a P.H.P. variable, which is a space in your computer's memory for storing data. Transfer the file to Ripway using the FTP command put index.php and look at the output in a Web browser.

Question 8.9d: Here is some P.H.P. code that generates the same output as above. Add the following code to index.php:

$x = "<h1>"
$x = $x . "apple";
$x = $x . " banana";
$x = $x . " carrot";
$x = $x . "</h1>"
echo "$x";

. operator which concatenates two shorter strings into one longer string. Transfer the file to Ripway using the FTP command put index.php and look at the output in a Web browser.

Question 8.9e: Here is some P.H.P. code that generates the same output as above. Add the following code to index.php:

$x = "<h1>"
$x .= "apple";
$x .= " banana";
$x .= " carrot";
$x .= "</h1>"
echo "$x";

.= operator. The expressiong $a .= $b has the same effect as $a = $a . $b. Transfer the file to Ripway using the FTP command put index.php and look at the output in a Web browser.

Question 8.9f: Here is some P.H.P. code that generates the same output as above. Add the following code to index.php:

$a = "apple";
$c = "carrot";
echo "<h1>$a banana $c</h1>";

put index.php and look at the output in a Web browser.

Question 8.10: Change the heading message to something more appropriate to your Website. You will need to edit the variable $logo at the top of the file tutorial-8/ to do this. Save the file and upload your changes using the FTP command mput *.inc and then check that your changes have been made successfully by browsing your Website in a Web browser.

Question 8.11: Change title of index.php to something more appropriate for your Website. Save the file and upload your changes using the FTP command mput index.php and then check that your changes have been made successfully by browsing your Website in a Web browser.

Question 8.12: Change the bottom copyright message to something suitable for your Website. You will need to edit the COM(echo) command near to bottom of the file tutorial-8/ to do this. Save the file and upload your changes using the FTP command mput *.inc and then check that your changes have been made successfully by browsing your Website in a Web browser.

Question 8.13: Add a call to the newline(); function in between button("apple.php",...) and button("banana.php",...) in the file so that the navigation menus are two wide. Save this file and upload your changes using the FTP command put and then check that your changes have been made successfully by browsing your Website in a Web browser.

Question 8.14: Add a logo and a motto that resembles the logo and motto that is at the top of this Web page. Firstly you will need to save the silver fern to disk by right-clicking on the silver fern at the top of this Web page and selecting Save Image As... menu item. You will also need the edit the variable $logo near the top of the file You will need to use the <table> and related tags like <tr>, <td>, as well as the <font> and <img> tags. Finally, save this file and upload your changes using the FTP command mput *.jpg and then check that your changes have been made successfully by browsing your Website in a Web browser.

Question 8.15: Add the following code $no_title=1; to apple.php so that the title doesn't show up underneath the navigation menus at the top of the page. Use the <center> and <h1> tags to get the title back online without removing the line of code that says $no_title=1;.

Question 8.16: Change the background colour of the menu buttons at the top of the screen to black and change the foreground colour of the menu buttons at the top of the screen to what was the background colour of the menu buttons. To do this you will need to do some search and replace operations at the top of the file

Question 8.17: Try editing the following variables to see what happens:

Question 8.18: Add a JPG image to the file index.php by getting an image off the Internet and displaying it using an <img> tag in that file. Save your changes and upload your changes using the FTP command mput *.jpg index.php. Note that it is essential that images are transmitted by FTP in binary transfer mode. Therefore before you send the files using the mput command, you should set binary transfer mode by issuing the FTP command bin (short for binary) and then check that your changes have been made successfully by browsing your Website in a Web browser.

Question 8.19: This question will guide you through the process of getting automatic numbering of sections and subsections.

Question 8.19a: Define a function heading in the file index.php so that the following P.H.P. code:


<h2>1. apple</h2>
<h2>2. banana</h2>
<h2>3. carrot</h2>

Hint: The following code will help you. This code

  $a = 0;
  function hello($argument)
    global $a;
    $a = $a + 1;
    echo "hello $argument $a\n";


hello apple 1
hello banana 2
hello carrot 3

global keyword. Without it $a is a local variable to the function hello and therefore you get the following result:

hello apple 1
hello banana 1
hello carrot 1

Question 8.19b: Then define a function subheading in the file index.php so that the following P.H.P. code:


<h2>1. Apple</h2>
<h2>1.1. Banana</h2>
<h2>1.2. Carrot</h2>
<h2>1.3. Doughnut</h2>

Question 8.20: This teaches you how to write tutorials such as this one. When writing tutorials it is convenient to keep questions and answers to those questions in the same file. This question will teach you how to do this.

Question 8.20a: Put the following code in a file called

QUESTION(1, "What is George Bernard Shaw's middle name?");
ANSWER(1, "Bernard");

QUESTION(2, "How do you spell H.T.M.L.?");
ANSWER(2, "H.T.M.L.");

QUESTION(3, "What is the square root of 144?");
ANSWER(3, 12);

QUESTION(4, "How many loaves are there in a baker's dozen?");
ANSWER(4, 13);

QUESTION(5, "What is the meaning of life?");
ANSWER(5, 42);

questions.php with the following P.H.P. code in it:

include ""

QUESTION and ANSWER so that when you load questions.php into a Web browser you get the following H.T.M.L. code:

<p><b>Question 1:</b> What is George Bernard Shaw's middle name?<p>

<p><b>Question 2:</b> How do you spell H.T.M.L.?<p>

<p><b>Question 3:</b> What is the square root of 144?<p>

<p><b>Question 4:</b> How many loaves are there in a baker's dozen?<p>

<p><b>Question 5</b> What is the meaning of life?<p>

Question 8.20b: Create a file called answers.php with the following P.H.P. code in it:

include ""

QUESTION and ANSWER so that when you load answers.php into a Web browser you get the following H.T.M.L. code:

<p><b>Question 1:</b> What is George Bernard Shaw's middle name? <p>
<p><b>Answer 1:</b> Bernard <p>
<p><b>Question 2:</b> How do you spell H.T.M.L.?<p>
<p><b>Answer 2:</b> H.T.M.L. <p>
<p><b>Question 3:</b> What is the square root of 144?<p>
<p><b>Answer 3:</b> 12 <p>
<p><b>Question 4:</b> How many loaves are there in a baker's dozen?<p>
<p><b>Answer 4:</b> 13 <p>
<p><b>Question 5</b> What is the meaning of life? <p>
<p><b>Answer 5:</b> 42 <p>

Question 8.20c: This question will extend on the previous two. Put the following code in a file called

QUESTION("What is George Bernard Shaw's middle name?");

QUESTION("How do you spell H.T.M.L.?");

QUESTION("What is the square root of 144?");

QUESTION("How many loaves are there in a baker's dozen?");

QUESTION("What is the meaning of life?");
?> differs from the earlier file that you created called in that the question and answer numbers are omitted. Therefore they will have to be calculated using P.H.P. code. Create a file called questions2.php with the following P.H.P. code in it:

include ""

QUESTION and ANSWER so that when you load questions2.php into a Web browser you get the following H.T.M.L. code:

<p><b>Question 1:</b> What is George Bernard Shaw's middle name?<p>

<p><b>Question 2:</b> How do you spell H.T.M.L.?<p>

<p><b>Question 3:</b> What is the square root of 144?<p>

<p><b>Question 4:</b> How many loaves are there in a baker's dozen?<p>

<p><b>Question 5</b> What is the meaning of life?<p>

Question 8.20d: Create a file called answers2.php with the following P.H.P. code in it:

include ""

QUESTION and ANSWER so that when you load answers2.php into a Web browser you get the following H.T.M.L. code:

<p><b>Question 1:</b> What is George Bernard Shaw's middle name? <p>
<p><b>Answer 1:</b> Bernard <p>
<p><b>Question 2:</b> How do you spell H.T.M.L.?<p>
<p><b>Answer 2:</b> H.T.M.L. <p>
<p><b>Question 3:</b> What is the square root of 144?<p>
<p><b>Answer 3:</b> 12 <p>
<p><b>Question 4:</b> How many loaves are there in a baker's dozen?<p>
<p><b>Answer 4:</b> 13 <p>
<p><b>Question 5</b> What is the meaning of life? <p>
<p><b>Answer 5:</b> 42 <p>

Question 8.21: This question will guide you through the process of creating smart comments in P.H.P.. Smart comments differ from <!-- ... --> comments in that they do not show up when you choose the View Source (Internet Explorer) or View Page Source (Mozilla Firefox) menu button in a Web browser. To get smart comments online, you need to either write this P.H.P. code:

   This text does not show
   up in a Web browser's
   view (page) source button.

// This text does not show
// up in a Web browser's
// view (page) source button.

/* ... */ denote comments, just like // to the end of the line. Save this code in the file index.php and transfer the file to Ripway using the FTP command put index.php and look at the output in a Web browser and the View Source (Internet Explorer) or View Page Source (Mozilla Firefox) menu button to be sure that smart comments do not show up.

Question 8.22: The following question will take you through the process of automatically generating tables from filename, width, height and caption information.

Question 8.22a: Define a P.H.P. function so that the following P.H.P. code:

<table align=center>
   ENTRY("apple.jpg",  200, 186, "This is a picture of an apple.");
   ENTRY("banana.jpg", 200, 150, "This is a picture of a banana.");
   ENTRY("carrot.jpg", 200, 150, "This is a picture of a carrot.");

<table align=center>
      <img src="apple.jpg" width=200 height=186 alt="apple">
      This is a picture of an apple.
      <img src="banana.jpg" width=200 height=150 alt="banana">
      This is a picture of a banana.
      <img src="carrot.jpg" width=200 height=150 alt="carrot">
      This is a picture of a carrot.

apple This is a picture of an apple.
banana This is a picture of a banana.
carrot This is a picture of a carrot.

The code in Emacs. The code in a Web browser.

Question 8.22b: Then rewrite the macro so that the above text expands to the following:

<table align=center>
      <img src="apple.jpg" width=200 height=186 alt="apple"><br>
        This is a picture of an apple.
      <img src="banana.jpg" width=200 height=150 alt="banana"><br>
        This is a picture of a banana.
      <img src="carrot.jpg" width=200 height=150 alt="carrot"><br>
        This is a picture of a carrot.

This is a picture of an apple.
This is a picture of a banana.
This is a picture of a carrot.

The code in Emacs. The code in a Web browser.

Question 8.22c: What is the advantage in separating the logic from the layout? (As is done in the above two examples?)

Question 8.23: Add the following code to index.php:

function patch_email($email)
   $answer = "";
   for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($email); $i = $i + 1)
      //$char = $email{$i};
      $char = substr($email,$i,1);
      if ($char == "@")
         $char = " <i>at</i> ";
      else if ($char == ".")
         $char = " <i>dot</i> ";
      $answer .= $char;
   echo $answer;


patch_email(""); writes the H.T.M.L. code adam <i>at</i> example <i>dot</i> com to your Web page. Don't forget to add the <?php ... ?> tags around the function so that it is interpreted as P.H.P. code. Add some code that calls this function several times to verify that this function words. Transfer the file to Ripway using the FTP command put index.php and look at the output in a Web browser.

Question 8.24: Learn more about P.H.P. by studying the online tutorials at the following Website:

Question 8.25: When you have finished this tutorial, you can quit the FTP program using the command quit.

You can view the answers to this tutorial. A password is required.

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