Kerry Nisbet, Warehouse Manager Address: Molten Media Community Trust 205a Wordsworth St. Christchurch 8023 Phone: 03 377-1154 Fax: 03 379-5841 Email: dispatch <at> molten <dot> org <dot> nz Website: www.molten.org.nz ![]() |
6 May 2015 |
To Whom it may concern, |
Davin has been volunteering with us for two days per week from February 2013 until May 2015. Davin started out disassembling computers and other electronics for recycling. He then worked [on] some programming projects including: building in some error checking and reporting for our inwards goods software using P.H.P. and MyS.Q.L., extending an open source invoicing software package to suit our needs, again using P.H.P. and MyS.Q.L. and extending an open source driver and software package using P.H.P., MyS.Q.L. and JavaScript. During his time with us I have found Davin to be a very dependable volunteer He is obviously a very knowledgeable and capable programmer. Davin works through problems in a logical and thorough manner, his level of coding is to a very high standard and is presented in a logical and easy to follow manner. Personally I found him to be a very easy person to get on with and to work along side. I’m happy to provide further information if required.
Sincerely, |
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