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Reference: Andy Cockburn

Dr. Andy Cockburn, Senior Lecturer
Department of Computer Science
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch, New Zeal and
Phone: +64-3-364-2987 ext 7768
Fax: +64-3-364-2569
Email: andy <at> cosc <dot> canterbury <dot> ac <dot> nz
Website: www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/~andy
15 November 2000

To whom it may concern,

Davin Pearson asked that I should write this reference on his behalf.

Davin has worked as a tutor in the Computer Science [sic] for several years. I oversee and coordinate many of the tutoring matters within this department, and Davin has worked closely with me while tutoring a first year programming course that I teach.

Davin is bright and has a deep understanding of programming matters. I have been impressed by his mature apporach to tutoring: while some tutors accept the status-quo in their tutoring ability, Davin has made conscious efforts to enhance his teaching. He has also been pro-active in seeking to improve the students’ programming environment (enhancing the programming tools to add features such as syntax colouring, and so on). The positive results of these efforts have been apparent in the continual improvement in students’ assessment of his tutoring.

He is honest, diligent, knowledgeable, and keen to develop his skills. I am happy to recommend him to you. Feel free to contact me for a verbal confirmation of this reference.

A. Cockburn
Senior Lecturer

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