m4_define([m4_title],Other links)
<style type="text/css">
p { margin: 0px; margin-left: 0px; }



<h2>Friends and family</h2>


    has a page for me.

    m4_dnl AHREF(http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=661678985">    AHREF(https://www.facebook.com/timothy.moss.714?fref=ts,Timothy
    Moss) is my ex-neighbour from when I used to live at 511
    Manchester Street in Christchurch.

    Burgess) is my best friend and was one of my Stage 1
    AHREF(http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz,computer science) students
    from 1998.  Now he works in Christchurch as an I.T. expert for
    AHREF(http://www.nursemaude.org.nz, Nurse Maude).

    AHREF(https://www.facebook.com/Grahamdockrill?fref=ts, Graham
    Dockrill) was another one of my Stage 1 computer science students
    in 1998.  Now he runs a successful Web design company
    called AHREF(http://hairylemon.co.nz,Hairy Lemon).

  <li>m4_dnl AHREF(http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~maclagan, Diane Maclagan)
  <p>AHREF(http://homepages.warwick.ac.uk/staff/D.Maclagan, Diane
    Maclagan) was my classmate during the years of 1992-1994 while I
    was at university studying
    AHREF(http://www.math.canterbury.ac.nz,mathematics).  She was
    always getting better grades than me, which was very damaging to
    my ego, and to top it all off she is now at the
    AHREF(http://www.warwick.ac.uk/,University of Warwick).  The best
    that I can do to try to beat her brilliance is for me to try to
    make my Website a lot cooler than hers.  I hope that I have
    succeeded!  You can find pictures of her using
    Google Image Search).

    AHREF(http://www.facebook.com/tim.sturge,Tim Sturge) is
    another of my classmates from 1992-1994 while I was at university
    studying mathematics.

  m4_dnl AHREF(http://www.angelfire.com/planet/annemaytayanes/index.html,  m4_dnl AHREF(http://fide.com/official/arb.asp?id=1720,  <p>
    Chris Wright was an old school mate from the years 1986-1991 at
    AHREF(http://www.cbhs.school.nz/, Christchurch APOS(Boys) High
    School).  Although he died in 2015 at the early age of 41 he was a

    m4_dnl AHREF(http://www.fide.com/info/arbiters-trainers?task=arbiter&aid=1720)    grand-master chess player, one of only three in New Zealand!  He
    worked as a professional chess tutor tutoring young players for
    the junior world championships.  If you are another graduate of
    the class of 1991 then I would like to get in touch with you.

  <li><p><a href="frank/index.html">Frank Pearson</a> (who died in
  2003 at the early age of 63) was my uncle (APOS(father)s older
  brother) in San Francisco.</p></li>

    Pearson) is a cousin (APOS(father)s older APOS(brother)s
  daughter) in Edmonton, Canada.</p></li>

  <li><p>AHREF(http://www.amcampbell.com/index.html, Alistair
    Campbell) is a cousin (APOS(mother)s APOS(sister)s son) from

  <li><p><a href="tibbles/index.html">Tibbles</a> is my
  cat who has her own Website.</p></li>


<h2>Favourite people</h2>


  m4_define([ESOTERIC],BO(Esoteric Information Warning:))

    Stroustrup).  Creator of the C++ programming language.  My
    feeling about C++ is that if it APOS(hadn)t been invented yet and I was
    as intelligent as Bjarne Stroustrup, then I would have invented it!

    ESOTERIC I believe that Stroustrup got his clever and useful idea of
    C++ classes and privacy from the
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simula, Simula language).


  <li><p>AHREF(http://www.stallman.org,Richard Stallman).  Founder
    of the AHREF(http://fsf.org, Free Software Foundation), the
    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org,GNU Project) and principal author of
    (among other things) the
    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html, GNU Emacs)
    text editor, the
    G.C.C. compiler) and the
    AHREF(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Debugger, GNU Debugger),
    which ultimately led to the
    AHREF(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU/Linux, GNU/Linux)
    operating system.  APOS(He)s also quite a character as I found out
    when I went to one of his lectures.

    ESOTERIC I believe that Stallman wrote Emacs by copying the
    existing Lisp systems at M.I.T. where he worked, and wrote G.C.C.
    using the design decision of having no calls to the
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_(programming), TT(free)) C
    library function so that it ran with a bigger memory footprint
    than other compilers but vastly simplified the design of the
    program.  This worked because the memory requirements of the
    program are proportional to the size of the source file being


    John McCarthy) (who died in 2001, aged 84) for inventing the Lisp programming
    language, and founder of the A.I. labs at M.I.T. and Stanford.
    Click on the following AHREF(http://wiht.link/common-lisp, link)
    for information about Common Lisp including a video interview with
    John McCarthy.  This link was provided to me by Bryan Innes
    (Email: m5_patch_email(bryan.innes@wiht-email.com)).

  <li><p>AHREF(http://www.shawnhargreaves.com, Shawn
    Hargreaves) for producing the multi-platform games library
    AHREF(http://liballeg.org,Allegro).  I wrote my first P.C. game
    <a href="m4_home/games/Dangerous-Driving-II.html"><i>Dangerous Driving</i></a>
    under Allegro and I have used it to
    write <a href="m4_home/games/index.html">six computer games</a>.

  <li><p>Eli Zaretskii (m5_patch_email(eliz@gnu.org))
    for helping me overcome my install problems and learning
    difficulties with GNU Emacs (via the Internet newsgroup

  <li><p>AHREF(http://www.delorie.com/users/dj, DJ Delorie) for
  producing a GNU system inside MS-DOS called
  AHREF(http://www.delorie.com/djgpp, DJ.G.P.P.), short for APOS(DJ)s
  GNU Programming Platform.  His first name is not an acronym but is
  literally DJ which causes much confusion on the part of banks who
  insist that DJ stands for something.  I have adapted his motto:
  QQ(EM(Making it harder to hate computers)) for my Website.

  <li><p>AHREF(http://www.math.tulane.edu/~tipler/,Frank Tipler)
    for writing a book explaining how religion will eventually become
    a branch of science. I have written
    an <a href="research/2004/es2ir.html">article about his book</a>
    on my Website.

  Gosling) for creating
  the AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_%28programming_language%29,Java
  programming language).</li>

  Dawkins) for preaching about
  EM(The Selfish Gene)).

    Mandela) (who died in 2013, aged 95) for his ability to unite
    people for a single cause, namely equality for all, regardless of
    skin colour.  Because of his achievements he is often referred to
    as QQ(EM(The Father of the Nation)) (namely South Africa).

  <li><p>AHREF(http://microsoft.com/billgates,Bill Gates) who
    along with others founded
    Because of his tremendous success in business we all love to hate
    him, but it is hard to deny his intelligence that caused him to
    succeed so dramatically.  For example, when he first wrote the
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Windows, EM(Microsoft
    Windows)) operating system it ran like a dog at the time but he
    foresaw that computers would rapidly get a lot faster than they
    were at the time, rendering Windows usable.  He also recognised
    that people tend to favour standardisation in the field of
    computers, and foresaw that his operating systems would become the
    default standard.  Despite APOS(Microsoft)s present domination of
    the computer software market I believe that a free operating
    system (such as AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU/Linux,
    EM(GNU/Linux))) will ultimately triumph.

    Tim Berners-Lee) for inventing the EM(World Wide Web).

  m4_dnl See href="research/2006/htichtpn2coop.html#software,this article).
  <li><p>AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Hillary, Sir Edmund
    Hillary) (who died in 2008, aged 88) is probably New
    APOS(Zealand)s most famous New Zealander.  He was the first person
    to conquer the APOS(world)s highest mountain, Mount Everest.  Then
    he re-payed his debt to the local Nepalese people by building
    schools and hospitals for them.  Although he is now dead, Hillary
    is the first living New Zealander to appear on our national
    currency.  It must have been believed that the probability of
    Hillary turning into a child molester was low enough to risk
    placing his face on every $5 of New Zealand currency.

  <li><p>AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Jackson,Sir Peter
    Jackson) who put New Zealand on the map as a place to make high
    quality high computer graphics content films such as most notably
    EM(The Lord of the Rings) movies) and
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Kong_(2005_film), <i>King
    Kong</i>).  His earlier splatter films (such as
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Taste,<i>Bad Taste</i>) and
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braindead_(1992_film), <i>Braindead</i>))
    are worth a look too.

  <li><p>AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Leigh, Mike Leigh)
    is one of the APOS(world)s greatest living film directors.  All of his
    films are groundbreaking in different ways.


    EM(Secrets &amp; Lies)),

    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Career_Girls, EM(Career


    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_or_Nothing_(film), EM(All
    or Nothing))

    are emotional dramas that are impossible to hate, whereas

    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vera_Drake,EM(Vera Drake)) and
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topsy_Turvy,EM(Topsy Turvy))
    are compelling period drama,

    and AHREF(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naked_(1993_film),
    EM(Naked)) is dark and shocking, although too dark for most


  <li><p>AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Stolz,Kim Stolz)
    <i>APOS(America)s Next Top Model</i>). Why is that the most
    attractive women are lesbians? (This is just my opinion of course!)
    You can find pictures of her
    using AHREF(http://www.google.co.nz/search?safe=vss&biw=1600&bih=752&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=kim+stolz&oq=kim+stol&gs_l=img.3.0.0l10.48464.51613.0.52930.,Google Image Search).

    Johnson) is an Olympic gold medal winning gymnast who is
    particularly gorgeous to look at.  You can find pictures of her
    AHREF(http://www.google.co.nz/search?safe=vss&biw=1600&bih=752&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=shawn+johnson&oq=Shawn+&gs_l=img.3.0.0l10.23172.25900.0.27711.,Google Image Search).

  <li><p>AHREF(http://www.wizard.gen.nz,The Wizard of New Zealand)
    is one of APOS(Christchurch)s most famous living individuals.



<b>Disclaimer:</b> The above list is not meant to be exhaustive!

<h2>Useful Websites</h2>


  <li><p>AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org, Wikipedia) is a free
    encyclopedia that anyone can contribute to.  Has
    m5_wikipedia_article_count and almost all written to a very high
    standard of scholarship.  I use Wikipedia almost exclusively for
    the links on the <a href="greatest-artists.html">The Greatest
    Artists of all Time</a> page of my Website.  You can view the
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Davin_Pearson, pages I
    have written for Wikipedia).  I have also written an article
    about <a href="research/2006/htichtpn2coop.html">Wikipedia versus
    Britannica</a>.  This Website heavily borrows from the
    style of Wikipedia), especially the (lack of) capitalisation of
    titles/headings and the (lack of) italicisation of certain items.

  <li><p>The site AHREF(http://en.wiktionary.org/,wiktionary.org)
    is APOS(Wikipedia)s version of a wiki-based Open Content dictionary.

  m4_ignore(<li>AHREF(http://www.thefreedictionary.com,The Free Dictionary)
  is almost as good as Wikipedia.)

  m4_ignore(<li><p>AHREF(http://plato.stanford.edu/,The Stanford Encyclopedia of
    Philosophy) is the definitive site for philosophical topics.

  <li><p>AHREF(http://www.trademe.co.nz,TradeMe) is the definitive
    site for buying and selling goods within New Zealand.  Be warned
    however that this Website is highly addictive.

  m4_ignore(<li><p>You can AHREF(http://c64s.com,play)
    old AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_64,Commodore
    64) games in a Java enabled browser.  Unfortunately they APOS(don)t
    have my favourite C64 games: <i>Wizard of Wor</i> and <i>Delta</i>,
    but they do have good ones like
    <i>Ghosts APOS()n Goblins</i>) and


<h2>Favourite TV programs</h2>


    <i>The Simpsons</i>).  Favourite ten episodes listed roughly in
    order of decreasing merit:


  m4_define([TDR],<td align=right><b>$1. &nbsp;</b></td>)
  m4_define([TDC],<td align=center>$1 / 26</td>)

    <table border=1 cellpadding=10>
        TDR(1)<td align=left>QQ(AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_Only_Move_Twice,
        You Only Move
        Twice))</td>TDC(8)<td>3F23</td><td align=left>Homer is hired
        for a new job on the basis of his supposed expertise.</td>
        TDR(2)<td align=left>QQ(AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Size_Homer,
        King Size Homer))</td>TDC(7)<td>3F05</td><td align=left>Homer
        purposely gains 61 pounds in weight in order to qualify for a
        disability allowance.</td>
        TDR(3)<td align=left>QQ(AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Cars_in_Every_Garage_and_Three_Eyes_on_Every_Fish,
        Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every
        Fish))</td>TDC(2)<td>7F01</td><td align=left>Mr Burns runs for
        TDR(4)<td align=left>QQ(AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Itchy_&_Scratchy_&_Poochie_Show,
          The Itchy &amp; Scratchy & Poochie
          Show))</td>TDC(8)<td>4F12</td><td align=left>A
        new character is added to the Itchy &amp; Scratchy Show</td>
        TDR(5)<td align=left>QQ(AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simpson_and_Delilah,
          Simpson and
          Delilah))</td>TDC(2)<td>7F02</td><td align=left>Homer finds a
        miracle treatment for baldness.</td>
        TDR(6)<td align=left>QQ(AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Exit_to_Springfield,
        Last Exit to
        Springfield))</td>TDC(4)<td>9F15</td><td align=left>Homer
        becomes a union representative.</td>
        TDR(7)<td align=left>QQ(AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brush_with_Greatness,
        Brush with
        Greatness))</td>TDC(2)<td>7F18</td><td align=left>The
          Simpsons visit Mount Splashmore and Marge paints
        Mr. Burns.</td>
        TDR(8)<td align=left>QQ(AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Some_Enchanted_Evening_(The_Simpsons),
        Some Enchanted
        Evening))</td>TDC(1)<td>7G01</td><td align=left>The Simpsons
        face a babysitter with sinister intentions.</td>
        TDR(9)<td align=left>QQ(AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marge_vs_the_Monorail,
        Marge vs. the
        Monorail))</td>TDC(4)<td>9F10</td><td align=left>Springfield
        invests in a monorail.</td>
        TDR(10)<td align=left>QQ(AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homer's_Enemy,
        Homer's Enemy))</td>TDC(8)<td>4F19</td><td align=left>Homer
        meets his nemesis with hilarious consequences.</td>
      m4_dnl TDR(10)<td><i>The Stonecutters</i></td>TDC(6)<td>AHREF(http://www.snpp.com/episodes/2F09.html,2F09)</td><td>Homer joins an exclusive club.</td>      m4_dnl Mr. Plow                      9F07  Homer starts a new business venture      m4_dnl Flaming Moes                  8F08  Homer invents a new drink      m4_dnl The Leftorium                 7F23  Ned Flanders starts a new business venture      m4_dnl The Baby Translator           8F23  Homer's bastard half brother visits and asks for a favour      m4_dnl The Last Temptation Of Homer  1F07  Mindy Simmons gets hired by the Nuclear Power Plant      m4_dnl Trash of the Titans           5F09  Homer runs for sanitation commissioner against Rex Patterson      m4_dnl The Cat Burglar               1F09  Homer organises a vigilante group to defeat a cat burglar    </table>

    I have found the
    List of The Simpsons Episodes) helpful to compose the above list.
    In my opinion the earliest episodes are better than the more
    recent ones, due to an apparent lack of good new ideas in the more
    recent episodes.

    <i>Seinfeld</i>) is famously known as a show about nothing, or
    more accurately: pondering over the minutiae of everyday social

    <i>Whose Line Is It Anyway?</i>) The older British version has a
    wider range of jokes and comedians than the newer American

    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fawlty_Towers, <i>Fawlty
    Towers</i>) is the greatest British comedy series of all time and
    it seems like a travesty that they only produced twelve episodes.
    It tells a story of a long-suffering man Basil Fawlty whose spirit
    is regularly crushed by his domineering wife Sybil.  He is
    constantly entering into hilarious misunderstandings with his
    waiter Manuel whose command of the English language is
    frustratingly poor.  Basil is also rude, sarcastic and cruel so
    that the audience is not disappointed when he gets his just
    desserts.  Their funniest episode is called
    QQ(Communication Problems)) and is about how Basil secretly makes
    a winning bet on a horse but is foiled by a near-deaf woman who
    refuses to turn her hearing aid on because as she says: QQ(It runs
    the batteries down!).


    The concept of a flawed character ultimately receiving negative
    consequences applies to most artistic works.  The most beautiful and
    morally superior characters in an artistic work almost always never
    receive negative ultimate consequences while the uglier and morally
    inferior characters almost always do receive negative ultimate
    consequences.  Most artists seem to be aware (either consciously or
    unconsciously) of this principle.  The purpose of this principle is
    to increase our enjoyment of a work of art.  Our emotional
    investment in the beautiful and morally superior characters is
    always rewarded with dividends and our emotional divestment (hatred)
    of uglier and morally inferior characters is also rewarded with
    dividends of the opposite kind.  An example of this principle in
    action is horror movies where the people who have extramarital sex
    are almost always killed while the virgins almost always survive to
    the end of the story.


<h2>Free computer programs that I find useful</h2>

m4_dnl m4_define(NUM, <b>$1. </b>)
<table align=left cellpadding=10>
    <td valign=top>

      <img src="gerwinski-gnu-head-128x128.png" width=128 height=128 alt="GNU Head Small">
      <small><i>Photo: GNU Emacs</i></small>



  m4_dnl AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html,
  <li><p>AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Emacs,GNU Emacs)
    is a text editor and a religion in itself that is available on
    almost all platforms.  Here is a list of its features, listed in
    order of decreasing coolness:


    <li><p>Support for editing programs in virtually any language.  I use
      Emacs to edit the following file types (in alphabetical order):

      AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash_script,Bash Script),
      AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blitz_BASIC,Blitz BASIC),
      AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emacs_Lisp,Emacs Lisp),

      If Emacs does not support your favourite language, it can be
      easily made so that it does.

    <li><p>Built-in Emacs Lisp programming language for
      implementing virtually any conceivable feature.  You can read
      <a href="research/2010/mopa2e2.html">an article about some of
      the features that I have added to Emacs</a>.

    m4_define([RED],<span class="cust-red">$*</span>)
    m4_define([GRN],<span class="cust-grn">$*</span>)
    m4_define([BLU],<span class="cust-blu">$*</span>)

    <li><p>RED(Customisable) GRN(Syntax) BLU(Highlighting)</p>


      <li><p>C/C++ keywords, comments and strings in their own colours.</p>

        C/C++ global variables in a different colour from local
        variables (a feature invented by me). The downside of this
        feature is that global variables must be prefixed by the
        word <span class="green">TT(global_)</span>.  Using too many
        global variables can be a source of bugs in a program, so it
        is useful to have syntax highlighting of their use.  The
        EM(dabbrev) feature (see below) helps to mitigate the cost in
        terms of extra typing from longer variable names.

      <li><p>C/C++ EM(Super Comments) (a feature invented by me).
        Super Comments start with RED(///) and end with the end of
        line.  Super Comments are highlighted brighter then normal
        C/C++ comments and are analogous to APOS(Java)s RED(/** DOTS
        */) comments in that they contain text for the programmer to
        read rather that just commented-out code.

      <li><p>C/C++ Allegro graphics library function calls in their own
        colour (a feature invented by me). Whatever libraries you use,
        it is possible to set up syntax highlighting for those

      <li><p>You can view a
        <a href="emacs-screen-shot.png">screen-shot</a> of APOS(Emacs)
        syntax highlighting using my personal choices of
        colours. <b>Note:</b> keywords are in <b>TT(bold black)</b>,
        function definition names are in
        <span class="function-name">TT(bold black foreground with
        yellow background)</span>, types are
        in <span class="type">TT(blue bold)</span>, comments are
        in <span class="comment">TT(dark green italics unbold)</span>,
        super comments are in
        <span class="d-face-super-comment">TT(red italics
        bold)</span>, strings are in <span class="string">TT(bold
        white foreground with a blue background)</span>, variable
        definitions are in
        <span class="variable-name">TT(blue unbold)</span>, class
        properties are in <span class="d-face-cc-prop">TT(orange
        bold)</span> and global variables are in
        <span class="d-face-cc-global">TT(green bold)</span>.  I am
        using a variant of the much maligned Hungarian notation so
        that Emacs is able to highlight global variables and class
        properties in different colours.  Without Hungarian notation
        such as <span class="d-face-cc-prop">TT(prop_*)</span> for
        properties and
        <span class="d-face-cc-global">TT(global_*)</span> for global
        variables it would be impossible to do the syntax highlighting
        so that is why I use it.


    <li><p>Integrated <i>make</i>, <i>gdb</i>, <i>grep</i>, <i>dired</i>,
      <i>info</i>, <i>calendar</i> and <i>eshell</i> etc. means that
      programmers almost never need to leave Emacs while doing useful

    <li><p>Dynamic Abbreviations (<i>dabbrev</i>). For example: press
      RED(z), and then repeatedly press RED(Alt-/) to cycle through
      all words in memory that start with QQ(z).  This feature allows
      you to use long variable names (which are more descriptive than
      short variable names) without needing to type them in every time
      you use them.

    <li><p>Automatic indentation, so there is no need to waste time aligning code
      by hand.

    <li><p>Unlimited <i>undo</i>/<i>redo</i>.</p></li>

    <li><p>Find matching brackets.</p></li>

    <li><p>Re-definable keys to reduce the risk of developing
      <i>R.S.I.</i> (<i><U>R</u>epetitive <u>S</u>train
      <u>I</u>njury</i>).  For example I have defined all of the
      function keys RED(F1) - RED(F12) to achieve different
      commonly-used operations, such as RED(F1) for help, RED(F2) to
      save all currently edited files, RED(F3) to save and purge all
      currently edited files, RED(F4) to delete all but one window,
      RED(F5) to activate EM(cbrow) my own C++ class browser, RED(F6)
      to toggle the value of the variable TT(selective-display) for
      folding and unfolding of buffers, RED(F7) to toggle read-only
      status, RED(F8) to undo and RED(F9) to compile, RED(F10) to go
      from <span class="function-name">TT(*.hts)</span> files
      to <span class="function-name">TT(*.html)</span> files,
      RED(Shift F10) to go from
      <span class="function-name">TT(*.html)</span> files back
      to <span class="function-name">TT(*.hts)</span> files RED(F11)
      is bound by Lubuntu to toggle maximisation of the current frame,
      RED(Shift F11) is bound
      to <span class="d-face-cc-dlisp">d-complete-file</span>,
      RED(F12) is bound to TT(eval-last-sexp), RED(Shift F12) is bound
      to <span class="d-face-cc-dlisp">d-complete-lisp</span> for Lisp
      dynamic symbol abbreviations.  I have also redefined the command
      TT(find-file) from RED(Control-x Control-f) to the shorter
      RED(Control-f) or RED(Control-d) because it is used so
      much.  </p> </li>

    m4_dnl <li>The source code (written in C and elisp) is available    m4_dnl to me so I can make my own improvements to the program.    m4_dnl    <ol>    m4_dnl     <li> It is available on a vast number of    m4_dnl     AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html#Platforms,    m4_dnl     machines and platforms), from plain old    m4_dnl     MS-DOS to Windows to Unix to all kinds of machines that I    m4_dnl     have never heard of and will most likely never use.    m4_dnl    m4_dnl     <li> It has more features than any other editor that I    m4_dnl     have ever seen.    m4_dnl    m4_dnl     <li> It is more customizable than any other editor that I    m4_dnl     have ever seen.    m4_dnl    m4_dnl     <li> It is freely available under the    m4_dnl     AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html,GNU General    m4_dnl     Public License).    m4_dnl    m4_dnl     <li> I have access to the source code (written in C and    m4_dnl     elisp) so that I can use to this as a way to learn more    m4_dnl     about the program and also to make my own improvements to    m4_dnl     the program according to my own personal preferences of    m4_dnl     what an editor should be.    m4_dnl    m4_dnl    </ol>
      The downside of Emacs is that it is inevitably weighed down
      by its many features and can be quite daunting to learn.
      As a result I would only recommend this program to fellow



  m4_dnl  In my work for the University, I used another Emacs  m4_dnl  dialect called AHREF(http://xemacs.org" >XEmacs) and  m4_dnl  thanks to Emacs' ability to be customised to the user's  m4_dnl  preferences the environment is almost identical to the one  m4_dnl  that I use at home.
  <table align=right>
      <td width=10>
        <a href="http://www.spreadfirefox.com/?q=affiliates&amp;id=0&amp;t=59,">
        <img src="safer.png" border="0" alt="Get Firefox!" title="Get Firefox!" width=180 height=60>

  <li><p>The AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU/Linux,GNU/Linux)
    system which includes such programs as:


    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ls, ls)
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mv, mv)
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cp_(Unix), cp)
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grep, grep)
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Find, find)
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Compiler_Collection, gcc)
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_(software), make)
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_(file_format), tar)
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gzip, gzip)
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_m4, m4)
    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/sed, sed),

    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/bash.html, bash),
    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/fileutils/fileutils.html, ls),
    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/fileutils/fileutils.html, mv),
    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/fileutils/fileutils.html, cp),
    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/grep/grep.html, grep),
    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/findutils/findutils.html, find),
    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc, gcc),
    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/make, make),
    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/tar, tar),
    AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/gzip, gzip))

    m4_dnl AHREF(http://www.cygwin.com,    m4_dnl AHREF(http://www.mingw.org,    m4_dnl AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/flex/flex.html,
    etc.  I use AHREF(http://lubuntu.net,Lubuntu GNU/Linux) which is a
    trimmed down version of AHREF(http://ubuntu.com,Ubuntu GNU/Linux)
    suitable for working on older machines.  The documentation says
    that it will run comfortably with only 500MB of memory, although
    my machine has 4GB of memory.

    m4_ignore(I use Windows XP in conjunction with the Unix
    subsystems AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cygwin,Cygwin) and

    For generating my Website I use m4 and APOS(Emacs) batch mode to
    generate pages with a wide variety of fonts and colours and
    hierarchical menus.

  m4_dnl AHREF(http://www.mozilla.org,  <li><p>The
    Firefox) Web Browser gives me freedom from pop-up windows that
    the AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer,Internet
    Explorer) Web Browser.

  m4_dnl   In spite of Emacs' many features I use Mozilla for:  m4_dnl  m4_dnl   <ul>  m4_dnl    <li>Web Browsing  m4_dnl    <li>Reading and posting emails  m4_dnl    <li>Reading from and posting to newsgroups  m4_dnl   </ul>  m4_dnl
  m4_dnl AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/m4/m4.html,

  <li><p>The AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_m4,GNU
    m4) preprocessor which I use for designing all of my Websites.
    Of its many features, the ones that I use are file inclusion,
    macros, conditional constructs and shell commands.  An example of
    its use is the navigation aids at the top and bottom of every page
    in this Website.  I have written
    <a href="m4_home/research/2002/hium2gmw.html">an article that shows how I
    use m4 in this Website</a>.

  to transform code written in C/C++/Java/Lisp/Makefile to H.T.M.L. format
  containing syntax highlighting.)

  m4_dnl See my href="java-tutorials.html,Java Tutorials) for an example of this.
  m4_ignore(m4_dnl http://www.irfanview.com/  <li><p>AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IrfanView,IrfanView)
    is a Windows graphics program.  It has a lot of useful features such
    as cropping, re-sizing, format conversion, batch conversion, gamma
    correction, image effects, etc.

  <li>AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GIMP,GIMP) stands for
  the <u>G</u>NU <u>I</u>mage <u>M</u>anipulation <u>P</u>rogram and
  is a free replacement for
  Photoshop).  It's many features make it somewhat daunting to learn
  but its features like layers and almost unlimited undos make it
  superior to
  Paint), a program that I used to use for editing images, and
  AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IrfanView,IrfanView), a Windows
  image manipulation program.

    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Paint, Microsoft&reg;
    Paint) is a surprisingly useful program given its lack of advanced
    features.  It might not deserve a place in this list however, as
    it is only free with a paid or QQ(cracked) copy of Microsoft
    Windows.  Microsoft Paint and IrfanView when used together using
    the Copy and Paste buttons form the basis of a comprehensive image
    manipulation system.

    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exact_Audio_Copy,Exact Audio
    Copy (E.A.C.))  and
    AHREF(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foobar2000,Foobar2000) are a
    pair of applications that serve as a superior replacement for
    Media Player) for the purposes of (respectively) ripping and
    playing music files.  Foobar2000 is superior to Windows Media
    Player because you can change the artist name and album name of
    multiple music files at the same time, whereas with Windows Media
    Player you need to change them one at a time.  Also the random
    play feature of Foobar2000 also is more random than Windows Media
    APOS(Player)s random play feature.  E.A.C. is superior to Windows
    Media Player because it rips tracks with fewer errors.  I have a
    1&nbsp;TB Hard Drive for the purpose of storing my entire CD
    collection (m5_flac_count TT(*.flac) files) so that tracks can be
    played at random with no repeats for over

    m4_dnl (/ 905.0 24 7)
    5&nbsp;weeks of continuous playing.  This gives better performance
    than most radio stations and anyhow is better than any radio
    station because it only plays songs that I like and have chosen to
    be in the play-list.  For those of you who are interested in my
    stereo, here are my specs: </p>



    <li><p>AHREF(http://wireworldcable.com, EM(WireWorld))
    U.S.B. cable connecting the computer to the DAC (Digital to
    Analogue Converter).</p></li>

      AHREF(http://www.audioreference.co.nz/featured, Cambridge Audio
      DacMagic DAC) for audiophile quality sound from a APOS(P.C.)s
      U.S.B. output socket.  This is a vastly superior alternative to
      using a low-fi cheap P.C. sound card.

    <li><p>Soundpipes brand R.C.A. cables connecting the DAC to the

    <li><p>AHREF(http://www.head-fi.org/t/309855/review-of-the-little-dot-mkiii-tube-headphone-amp-pre-amp,Little Dot MKIII tube headphone amplifier).</p></li>)

      Pioneer A400 integrated amplifier

      CDM1 Special Edition bookshelf loudspeakers

      Naim cables connecting the amplifier to the speakers
    <li><p>L.M.E. speaker stands</p></li>])

    <li><p>AHREF(https://www.naimaudio.com/product/dac-v1, EM(Naim DAC-V1
      DAC and Headphone Amplifier)).  See the following
      AHREF(http://www.whathifi.com/naim/dac-v1/review, review) about
      the Naim DAC-V1.

      EM(Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones)).  See the following
      review).  This is the best product that Sennheiser make and it
      is so good that, in conjunction with the Naim DAC and Headphone
      Amplifier, it makes APOS(C.D.)s sound like crap.  I need to
      upgrade my C.D. collection to 24&nbsp;bit 96&nbsp;kHz sampling
      rate files or even better: 24&nbsp;bit 192&nbsp;kHz sampling
      rate files.  </p></li>


  m4_dnl   <li>AHREF(http://www.ultimatepaint.com,Ultimate  m4_dnl   Paint) is a Windows paint program for drawing/editing  m4_dnl   graphics.  Its compelling feature for me is how its user  m4_dnl   interface is inspired by the program Deluxe Paint that was  m4_dnl   a killer app for the old Amiga computer in its heyday.
  m4_dnl   <li>Click  m4_dnl   AHREF(http://www.gnu.org/software/software.html#DescriptionsOfGNUSoftware,  m4_dnl   here) for the AHREF(http://www.fsf.org/,Free Software  m4_dnl   Foundation)'s extensive list of free software.


