Program listing |
// // Copyright (C) 1998-2016 Davin Pearson // Website: class Animal { // Properties of the class... public int numberOfLegs; public boolean hasWings; // Constructor of the class... public Animal() { numberOfLegs = 4; hasWings = false; } // Methods of the class... public void talk() { System.out.println("Hello"); } } class Bird extends Animal { // Properties of the class... public boolean canFly; // Constructor of the class... public Bird() { super(); numberOfLegs = 2; hasWings = true; canFly = true; } // Methods of the class... public void fly() { System.out.println("flap flap"); } } class Eagle extends Bird { // Properties of the class... private int numberOfKills; // Constructor of the class... public Eagle() { super(); numberOfKills = 0; } // Methods of the class... public void attack() { numberOfKills++; } } class InheriTest { // The main method is the point of entry into the program... public static void main(String[] args) { Animal a = new Animal(); System.out.println(a.numberOfLegs); System.out.println(a.hasWings);;; Bird b = new Bird(); System.out.println(b.numberOfLegs); System.out.println(b.hasWings); System.out.println(b.canFly); System.out.println(b.numberOfKills);; b.attack(); Eagle e = new Eagle(); System.out.println(e.numberOfKills); System.out.println(e.numberOfLegs); System.out.println(e.hasWings);; e.attack(); } } // QUESTIONS: // (1) Without compiling this file, use your understanding // of inheritance to say which of the statements in this // file will not compile and why. Then use the compiler to // check that your guesses were correct and comment out all // the statements with errors in them. // (2) For each statement that doesn't compile, comment it // out and beside it write a brief reason why the compiler // doesn't accept it. // (3) NOTE: It is essential for the next question that the // incorrect lines are commented out. // (4) Compile and run InheriTest to see what is printed // to the screen. // (5) Why is the number printed out for "e.numberOfLegs" // equal to 2 when there is no mention of ever setting the // value for "numberOfLegs" to 2 in the Eagle class? // // HINT: It has something to do with "super". // // (6) Add the following three lines to the main method: // a = b; //; //; // If you compile the code, one of these lines gives a // compiler error. Which line is it and what is the reason // for the error? // // (7) Remove the lines you added from question (6) and add // the following three lines to the main method: // b = a; //; //; // If you compile the code, one of these lines gives a // compiler error. Which line is it and what is the reason // for the error? //