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// (1) What does the line "serial++" do in the constructor for class Car?

// It increases the static property "serial", each time a car
// is constructed, so that each car object gets a unique serial
// number.

// (2) Write toString methods for the Car and Driver classes so that
// you use them in the next question for debugging.

// Method for Car class:
public String toString()
   return ("I am a car model=" + model +
           ", value=" + value +
           ", serial number=" + serialNumber);
// Method for Driver class:
public String toString()
   return ("I am a driver, name=" + name +
           ", money=" + money +
           ", car=(" + ownersCar.toString() + ")");

// (3) Write the methods listed in the main method.

// Methods for the class Driver:
public void purchase(Car aCar)
   ownersCar = aCar;
   money -= aCar.value;
public void stealCarFrom(Driver victim)
   ownersCar = victim.ownersCar;
   victim.ownersCar = null;
public void smashCar()
   ownersCar.value = ownersCar.value / 2;
public static void swapMoney(Driver d1, Driver d2)
   int tempMoney =; =; = tempMoney;
public static void swapCars(Driver d1, Driver d2)
   Car tempCar = d1.ownersCar;
   d1.ownersCar = d2.ownersCar;
   d2.ownersCar = d1.ownersCar;
// Method belongs in class Car:
public static void swapSerialNumbers(Car c1, Car c2)
   int tempSerialNumber = c1.serialNumber;
   c1.serialNumber = c2.serialNumber;
   c2.serialNumber = tempSerialNumber;
// Methods for the class Driver:
public void tradeIn(Car aCar)
   money = money + ownersCar.value/2;
   ownersCar = aCar;
public void sellCarTo(Driver buyer)
{ = - ownersCar.value;
   money = money + ownersCar.value;
   buyer.ownersCar = ownersCar;
   ownersCar = null;
public int netWorth()
   if (ownersCar == null)
      return money;
      return money + ownersCar.value;
